Handcuffed To The Alpha

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Handcuffed To The Alpha

Chapter 11

Puppet's POV:

Sometimes I wondered about her. Okay, not sometimes, all the time. Would life be different knowing her? Would it be better? I wonder, I don't know any other life than everyday I live.

As I thought about the possibilities, I kept looking at the two people. They were so different to the two people I know. The only ones I know. Master and the woman always come to the cage and they are weird, they vomit and the sway around. They go somewhere and I can hear the woman's screams. I wonder if he's hitting her too...

The people stopped and stood still for a second, looking at each other. Then I noticed that they were sniffing the air...uh-oh.

I held my breath knowing there was no point running. I scrunched the rags on my body in my hands and squeezed my eyelids tightly together. What if they saw me? Will they hurt me? ...Am I going to die? I don't know what it means, but master says one day- I will die because he has killed me- it sounds horrible to me.

I waited... And waited. I heard the crunching of footsteps. Oh no... What has I done?

"Hello there, are you okay?" I heard a woman say.

I opened one eyelid, preparing for the worst. My eye sight blurred but it cleared and I saw two people crouched down next to me.

I stayed silent and held my breath. The lady put her hand to my arm and I screamed, tensing and curling into a ball.

But the pain never came. The cries never escaped and in its place was a nice, warm feeling.

She had her hand on my arm and she was rubbing it softly. I glanced at their faces.

The man one had black hair with green eyes, and the lady one had blue hair and almost clear white, blue eyes.

I hadn't seen any other peoples and they looked very strange...or maybe they looked normal? How would I know, these are the first people I've seen apart from my master and the women.

"Darling, are you okay? Where are your parents?" The man asked. I looked between the two, eyeing them up suspiciously.

"No." I said, happy. I know what a parent is, master said to me about them.

Its hard to talk since its not aloud in the cage and I don't know all the words. I can practise in the cage and know what I'm thinking in my mind, but it'll come out wrong and it doesn't make sense. Sometimes I'll get angry and cry, other times I'll just become cold.

Am I normal? Am I different? My master always calls me a whore and says I am stupid...I don't understand though.

"No? What do you mean? Don't you know where your parents are?" The lady asked. The man put his hand on my shoulder and I screamed.

"No, no, no, NO!" I cried, frightened. I scrambled my arms around the floor, moving myself backwards. eventually stopping when my back pressed against a cold tree.

The woman frowned and the man took his arm back slowly and looked at me worried. The lady slowly put her arms out, reaching towards me. I flinched, but I was less afraid of her then him. She brought me towards her and... Put her arms tightly around me. It felt so nice and warm, I immediately liked her.

"Its okay, we're not going to hurt you." She whispered.

Mitten's POV:

She was beautifully broken and flawed. With black, greasy, damaged hair, bright blue eyes but one eye had a brown patch in the corner. Her skin was so pale and she looked so thin; as if she hadn't eaten for days. She had high cheekbones and she looked so small, so young.

She was wearing a dirty, brown rag as a dress. I looked closely at her in my arms and I see... Bruises. So many of them. And scars. You couldn't miss them.

You could see some of them were new, as they were just starting to colour. I felt my stomach sink. Who would do this to a little girl.

I felt my eyes water and I felt nauseas. She looked at me for a moment, so scared, then wrapped her bony arms around me, shaking. I felt a dampness from where her face was and knew she was sobbing silently, her body racking.

I held her as if she were fragile; almost as if she were a china doll. I felt the warm tears leave my eyes.

Was this hormones from the pregnancy? Or maybe it was the fact this child has been abused.

I felt angry all of a sudden, who would do this? Why?!

"Doll, what's your name?" I heard Jake's voice crack.

She lifted her head but didn't loosen the grip around me. She looked at me, worried, but I nodded my head.

"Its okay, baby." I urged her.

"P-pup-" she struggled. She looked angry and frowned. "P-puppet" she made out, but it sounded more like 'Puh-Peth'.

She beamed at me, showing me her teeth, I noticed some were missing. I smiled back, brushing her cheek gently. She flinched for a moment, but eased up.

"Okay Puppet, I'm going to take you to my home. Is that okay?" I asked slowly; hoping she understood.

"H-home?" She asked confused, her voice soft and cracked.

I smiled gently, brushing the dry hair from her face. "Yes Puppet, I'm taking you home."


(A/N not much happened, but I'm

Telling you's now- something


Is about ta happen.

Peace. :3

P.S, sorry I haven't updated in a while,

I was really jam-packed with shit.)

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