Handcuffed To The Alpha

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Handcuffed To The Alpha

Chapter 16

Mittens POV:

We had told Nya and Lenox everything and they had told us what had happened. I felt so bad for Nya. And that piece of scum better get out of here before I've had enough.

Everything seemed crap, but at least... What, at least nobody got hurt? Because, damn it, I think all of us have been hurt in these last couple of days.

Nya had suggested we go to the shopping mall to buy some stuff for the baby which wasn't a bad idea except I now had Puppet to look after.

"No I can't leave Puppet." I told her, walking into the kitchen and grabbing an apple.

"But the guys are here and they'll look after her." She pleaded. "I just want one day out of this place... Please?"

I opened my mouth to say 'no' again but then sighed as I looked into her big, pleading eyes. "I'll talk to Puppet."

When I got to Puppet, she was sitting on the floor going through my bag. I silently laughed and when she looked up at me with a big innocent smile.

I crouched down to her, "Puppet, me and Nya want to go shopping... Is that okay?" I asked softly. "If you want me to stay its okay."

She frowned and parted her lips. "Me..." She started but didn't finnish when she couldn't find the right word.

"You." I repeated, smiling at her.

She nodded her head. "Me... Come." She beamed at me.

"Oh, no. no, no, no, no." That was a terrible idea! She could get scared or runaway or get lost.

"Yes!" She demanded, standing up.

"Puppet, there are lots more people and... And new things... scary things." I didn't want to scare her, but she wasn't ready.

"No. Me... C-come." She grabbed my hand and raised her eyebrows as if to say, 'you better listen to me'.

I chewed my lip anxiously but finally gave in. "Okay, but the minute you want to go home, we will."

"Yay!" I heard somebody shout from behind that door.

I laughed. "Go get dressed Nya!" I swear, I'm living with a bunch of kids!

We took a long time getting dressed since Puppet wanted to pick my outfit for me. I ended up having to wear a pink, frilly top and light blue shorts. She also wanted to do my hair, but all she did was shake my hair around till it was a mess and put clips here and there.

"Oh, thank you Puppet! I look beautiful now!" I kissed her, picking her up and spinning her around.

"And so Mittens got to go to the mall!" Jake narrated and swooped me and Puppet around the room in a silly dance. Puppet laughed as she held on to me neck, giggling while I just grinned.

Finally we left and the boys decided to come with. We all strapped into the car and left for the mall. Puppet was wearing one of my tops as a dress and I realised we needed to get her clothes too.

"Can you say Lenox?" Lenox asked Puppet. We were all taking turns asking Puppet to say words and names.


"Can you say mall?" Jake asked from beside her.


Puppet was so happy that she was getting all this attention. Once we got to the mall, I clicked me and Puppets belts off and picked her up. I stood outside and tried to explain what a mall is to her.

Puppet was very quiet for a while but once we got inside she was struggling to get out of my hold.

I let her down but tightly held her hand. She was looking around this new place with a shocked expression. "Do you want to go home?" I asked her.

She shook her head 'no' and with that we went around, shop to shop, and Jake and Nya were buying everything for Puppet and the baby.

So far we had mountains of clothes, dummy's, bottles, plastic cutlery, nappies, a cot, a pram, a baby bath and all the other vital baby things.

"Thanks guys, I'll pay you back as soon as I can." I said but they all disagreed and said it was their baby shower gift to me. "Fuck, I don't know how I'm going to get all of these back to England."

Jake suddenly went still. "Your not going back to England." He growled, turning around.

"But that's where I live!" I frowned, he can't tell me where I live.

He relaxed. "Okay, if that's where you want to be then we can go."

"Okay." I sighed. "I'm gonna talk to my parents tonight... And tell them everything."

We had ordered a lorry to come and take all the things since we couldn't fit it in the car. Puppet was doing really good. She was spinning around in her new pink dress and exploring everything.

We all went back inside and Nya grabbed my hand. "C'mon, we need to do some girly shopping!" I looked at Puppet and she smiled at me then walked over to Jake.

"I told her we were going to Mcdonalds so we could eat and she could make friends with the other children." He laughed. I blew him a kiss as we walked off, he winked and the three of them went in the opposite direction.

Me and Nya went to Victoria's secret and looked at all the sexy outfits.

"So, your staying with Jake?" She asked curiously.

"Yea. I may not know Christian but I don't... I just want Jake. I think I'm falling for Jake and I'm having his child. I'm not doing it for my baby. I'm doing this because I really, really like him." I smiled. I grabbed some black thongs and bras; just daily lingerie.

"I know Christian is my mate and stuff, but its different. I only feel physically attracted to him. And with Jake... Its like he's my soul mate." I sighed. I found a seriously sexy outfit and grinned just thinking about the look on Jake's face when he sees it on me.

"Well, he kind of is your mate. I wonder if there's something to make him your mate again or something?"

Wait a second... "What are you talking about...?"


Jake's POV:

I watched as Puppet made friends with all the children around her. It seemed she was irresistible and all you could do was love her. All the people beamed at her and I felt like a proud dad.

Then I felt somebody yank me around and slap me. "FUCK!" I yelled, nursing my stinging cheek. Everyone eyed me up and scowled at my language. God people, we're in Mcdonalds not some five star restaurant!

Mittens was scowling at me and had her arms crossed. "What the hell was that for?!" I whisper shouted.

"Why didn't you tell me you were my true mate?" She asked, her voice trembling.

My eyes widened and I waited for those two words... Those two words that could tear me a apart. The two words that could change ones future; Its over.

I waited for her to do something. Waited and. Waited. 'Till finally she pulled me into a hug.

"You should have told me." She whispered, her head nested on my chest.

I nodded. I still wasn't sure if she was happy or upset about the situation.

"I love you." She whispered into my ear.

"I love you so much, Mittens." I squeezed her body tighter against me.

And right there, in the middle of Mcdonalds, was where we exchanged the 'L' word. Not exactly normal. But hey, when has anything been normal?


(A/N bit of a filler chapter.

Sorry if there were mistakes.

Its the holidays, so I'm not updating regularly.


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