Handcuffed To The Alpha

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Handcuffed To The Alpha

Chapter 5

(Picture of Lenox as William Levy)

Mittens POV:

Warmth flooded through the window as the birds sang.I twisted the sheets around my body as I got more comfortable- if that was even possible. The fluffy pillow under my head felt as if I were resting on a cloud. The arm around me, making me feel safe and loved. I looked at Jake's face and noticed he was smiling in his sleep. I giggled and kissed his lips gently. He half opened his eyes sleepily and kissed me back a little more, bringing my body in tightly to his chest.

"I don't know you, tell me something about yourself." He said hazily. I smiled and put my head to his chest.

"I'm 19 years old, my name is Mittens and I'm in a band working part-time at pubs." I said in a silky voice.

"Oh yea! When we first met you said your name was Misty, and I only started to call you Mittens because Nya did and I thought it suited you." He chuckled into my hair. I blushed and shied away into his chest.

"Its embaressing. I mean, you can't call a human a pet name- that's like calling a fish 'Fred'. Who calls a fish Fred?!" I mumbled. " 'Oh, ill be there in a minute, I'm just feeding Fred.' That doesn't sound like someones feeding a pet, it sounds like your feeding somebody who is incapable of easy tasks!"

He laughed, gently pushing my hair behind my ear.

"What about you?" I whispered, Closing my eyes.

"My name is Jake... I'm 21 and I'm a bartender." He said. "Its only 4 a.m, try get a little more sleep." He kissed my forehead and I obliged to his request,

I suddenly woke up, with nobody by my side. I felt like I was about to throw up and dashed to the toilet.

I threw up and flushed the toilet. There was still vomit in my hair so I decided to have a shower.

Once I had the perfect temperature of the water I unclothed myself and hopped in.

She-wolves get it a lot easier then humans when pregnant and also it only takes the baby 3 months to be born instead of nine. I don't know how humans did this, its so hard even for me.

Would I be a good mother? And what about Jake? Right now I had to depend on him for support but could I really trust him? I barely know him!

I sighed. Once I had washed my hair and body, I stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I went to my room and saw Jake sitting on the bed, something in his hands.

"What's that?" I asked.

He smiled at me. "Its a surprise." He walked out the room and left me to get changed.

I grabbed a blue tank top and a pair of pink jean shorts. I strapped on a white bra and pulled on some panties. Then I pulled all my clothes on ans trotted down stairs.

I saw Jake standing in the kitchen holding a round bowl.

"Babe, meet Fred." He smiled.

My lips parted and then, I burst into a fit of giggles, I wrapped my arms around Jake and planted a big, fat kiss on his lips.

He was glowing as I looked into the fishbowl and saw the cute goldfish swimming around happily. "You are one in a million, Jake."


Nya's POV:

I yawned as I stretched my arms, waking up from a deep sleep.

"Morning, hon." I heard Lenox say sleepily. I kissed his shoulder and as I did I felt the sparks where we connected. This would never get old.

"I wonder how Misty is, she wasn't looking too good last night. I wonder what's up." I aid as I slipped my feet into my purple fluffy slippers.

"I'm sure she's fine."

"I'll just go check on her..." I trailed off as I walked out of the room and down stairs. I heard giggling which brought a smile onto my face; I'm glad she's alright.

"Morning Ni!" Mittens beamed. "Look at my new pet fish, Fred."

"Fred? For a fish?" I questioned, boiling the kettle for my coffee.

"Yea, isn't he the cutest?"

"You make it sound like its a baby!" I laughed. Suddenly, Misty's whole body tensed. What did I say? "So do you feel better? What happened last nigh?"

"Oh, hum... I need to talk to you about that Ni." She sighed tightly.


"No! No...hm... After dinner tonight."

"Sure thing." I smiled. "Morning Jake."

"Morning Nya." He grinned, he looked a lot better then the last time I saw him.

"Anyway, I'm just going to have a lie in with Lenox, is that okay?" I asked.

"Yea, that's fine, we'll see you later." Misty sighed.

I walked upstairs and back to Lenox, finishing the rest of my coffee.

Moans of pleasure filled the room as we all dug into the roast dinner, it was fab-u-lous! Mist had spent the whole day going out to buy the ingredients and cooking it all.

"So delicious, babe." Jake scoffed is food down.

She smiled and nibbled at her own food.

Conversation and laughter continued the whole way through dinner, Misty's heart quickening with each second passing by.

Finally, me and Misty left the room to talk out in my room. We sat on my king sized bed and I noticed Misty was very nervous.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me." I reassured her, squeezing her hand gently. She smiled at my.

"Ni..." She had tears welling in her eyes. "I'm pregnant."

Everything felt like it had stopped. It felt... It felt like de ja vu... Except this time, I've swapped places. I was the pregnant one. I was the one crying. I was the one who was scared.

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