Handcuffed To The Alpha

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Handcuffed To The Alpha

Chapter 10

(A/N Dedicated to really_xox for being awesome and voting. *Hi-5's*

So yea, read on my fellow species.)

Jake's POV:

I was already in wolf form, leaping over every obstacle that got in my way. I zoomed past and around trees, following the scent of Mittens.

I sensed they were near, just at the other side of the lake. I looked at them...

Mitten was just a few inches away from Christian, swaying ever so slightly on her feet, whilst Christian was lying down.

She was a beautiful wolf, with a full coat of golden fur and green eyes.

I silently stalked towards them. Did she want to leave me her? I want her to be happy, but that doesn't mean I won't fight for her.

I knew that she knew I was here because she looked up at me.

I looked at her, betrayal clear in my eyes and my body language. I felt too broken to fight today. Maybe tomorrow I can try. Because right now, I feel as if my heart was breaking in half.

I nodded my head at her and made a move to turn around. Her eyes grew big, sensing I was about to leave. She ran to me, rubbing her snout in my neck and licked my muzzle softly.

My whole body was tense when I heard Christian bark. I looked at him with a blank face and saw him in his wolf, standing on all fours, snarling and glaring at me.

I stood tall and glared right back. He may be the Alpha, but it was rightfully my position in the first place. Till everything changed.

Misty surprised me by standing beside me, growling back. And by the look of surprise on Christians face, he didn't expect it either.

'How could you do this? She is rightfully mine. If you take her from me, I'll disown you as my brother.' Christian snarled through the mind link.

'Christian, I cannot take away what was never yours. She isn't and won't ever be yours. She bares my pup but I will let her choose between us. and plus you ignored the link!' I barked back.

Christian nodded for Mittens to follow him, but she shook her head and leaned into me a little more.

Christian looked between the two of us. 'This is not over. This is far from over.' He hissed.

I nodded my wolf head. Misty looked at me when he ran off. She shifted to her human form, trying to cover her beautiful body from my eyes, with her hands.

Mitten's POV:

I shifted, wanting to talk to Jake, but he stayed in his wolf form, scanning my body with his hungry eyes.

"My eyes are up here." I growled at him. I so wanted to follow the other wolf, but I couldn't, I didn't want to leave Jake, he's the one I want. Or that's what I'm trying to convince myself...

"Shift!" I ordered. But he shook his big wolf head 'no'. I frowned. "Can you at least get me some clothes then?"

He nodded and disappeared, returning a minute later with a big t-shirt in between his teeth.

I yanked it out of his teeth and shoved it on.

"Shift now! I want answers and I want them now. Don't make me more pissed off then I already am." I growled deeply, pointing an accusing finger at him.

He huffed, and shifted back to his human form, albeit a bit reluctantly but he did so none the less. Quickly pulling on shorts that he had brought with him.

"You ran after him." He stated simply, voice void from emotion. He stayed still, but then startled me by turning and storming off, with his hands in fists.

"Look I know I messed up, but I'm sorry!" I panted as I tried to keep up with him, still he didn't slow down. "Look slow down Jake, I can't keep up." Carrying a baby while trying to gallop, was not a good idea.

I stopped and stood there, clutching my throbbing stomach in my hands. "Ow!" I moaned, pain forming in my tummy.

I immediately felt Jakes arms circle around me. He stroked my back soothingly and when the pain stopped, I wrapped my arms around his lean torso.

"I don't want him, Jake. I want you." I whispered into his neck. His grip tightened on me.

"Mittens, I want you so much, too. But I know one of us will come out alone. I don't know if I can take it..." He breathed in a husky voice.

"I ... I feel bad, 'cos he's your mate but I want you so damn much, it hurts. And I won't force you into anything, I never want you to feel forced, ever." I swallowed, feeling so emotional by what he was telling me.

I dropped my hands and looked down when he didn't say anything else. I clutched my stomach, trying to hold back from crying.

"Mittens...look at me." He ordered me. I didn't listen, so he put his hand gently around my face and lifted it so our noses were touching.

"I could never leave you. I never want to, but I'm risking everything for you and... I just need to know that you feel the same way that I do about you."

"Mittens, I know I haven't known you for long at all, but I..." He chuckled and bit his lip, looking torn. "Fuck it, I think I'm falling in love with you Misty."

Puppet's POV:

My legs burned as I ran away from him. I could hear him shouting in the distance, screaming for me to come back but I only wanted to play outside for ten more minutes. And he turned on me, like always and his face turned red with anger, I thought smoke was gonna appear out of his ears.

I looked around, trying to find a place to hide but I knew there would be no need as he would always find me. No matter how fast I ran or how clever I thought I was when I hid, he always would eventually catch up to me and punish me worse.

It was getting harder to breathe, my breath coming out in short pants. I felt so tired and all I wanted to do was crawl in bed and be left alone for the night, I knew however he wouldn't leave me be. Not after this escape.

Then I saw them, people. Only two but they had been the first two I had ever seen apart from him and his constantly drunk 'friend'.

They looked like nice people, but I knew not to judge a person by their looks. The man looked kinda angry as he walked away from her with his hands fisted at his sides, an action I had seen many times but He would turn and hit me. This man however, turned and walked away. The woman soon followed, trying to keep up.

I heard her cry of pain from where I was standing and wondered, did he hit her? I only looked away for a second so I wasn't sure. No, no he couldn't have, I mean he ran towards her when she cried out and pulled her into a hug? Is that what they call it? I'm not sure, I haven't ever had one.

They talked for a while longer and I sat by the lake, hidden by a bit of a bush and silently watched the exchange.

(A/N - Co-author Shannon. MissyS99

That is all.)

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