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The kids were running around in the kitchen. It was early for baking and she could just buy the cake, she knew it. But she needed to make the cake for the birthday party. She wanted to do so. Tom was in the backyard and the kids followed him. They were laughing. Juliette smiled from the kitchen.

A boy nudged her. She looked back and smiled. "Mommy, how much longer? My birthday party starts in a couple of hours."

"Just a few minutes, baby. Don't worry. I won't be late."

Yes. Juliette didn't want to be late for her son's birthday party. The last step was the final decoration. She wrote her son's name on the cake with a cream. Happy Birthday, Ambrose G. Riddle. Ambrose Gideon Riddle. That was her son's name.

"Oly, baby, can you help me?" Juliette called for her daughter, Oly. Olivine Terra Riddle.

And that was Juliette's life. After five years of marriage, she finally decided she was ready for kids. Now that they had kids, they were closer than ever.

She was still working at The Daily Prophet. She was still the head of editor. And Tom was still the famous painter. They were still busy. But they never forgot to spend time together.

They didn't just love each other. They needed each other.

Tom had learned so many things spending a life with Juliette.

He didn't need the whole world to see who he is or to know what he was capable of. He didn't need the whole world to love her. Because the truth was, he only needed her eyes. He only needed her love. And it was more than enough for him. His life was shitty but it didn't have to stay that way.

Juliette used to sit and wonder about her future, but now, after million times of just looking into his eyes, she saw all her hopes, dreams, and desires wrapped in one package. She knew that he was her future. The world might crumble around them, but they wouldn't notice because they would be too busy looking into each other. There was never been a love like theirs and there never will be again.

It wasn't love or marriage that brought people together. It was the realization that we want someone else. That we need someone else. It was the realization that life was too beautiful to be spend alone. It was the realization that a right person would bring a right path to take.

May their love live on.

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