5. Alice

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September 15

7:20 PM

"Mhmmm," I cracked my eyes open less than a sliver and looked over to see the bright blue clock numbers move to seven twenty-one am. My phone buzzed harder and louder as I let it ring against the black nightstand. I stretched my arms over my head and slid them down over my silk sheets. My toes curled as I stretched my legs and let a yawn slip my lips. Slowly I rolled over and reached to the noise maker. My little sister's face covered the screen and I rolled my eyes pushing the green answer circle on screen. Putting it to my ear, I said, "Yes, Olive?"

"OH!" She squawked, "Hey sis." I knew this sound all too well; I was about to get asked for a favor. "I need a teeny-tiny favor," her voice squeaked.

I sighed letting my eyes close and my head sink into the pillows, "Go on."

"Okay... so like... last night I kinda spent the night at a friend's place..." She paused waiting to here a response.


She went on, "We went out and partied.... maybe a little too much... but we were like totally safe and stuff, ya know? And then we went to this little penthouse get together..."

My eyes opened once again, "Penthouse..." I sighed, "where are you?"

I knew I wouldn't like her answer.

"The city..."

"Olive, that's two hours away and we have a Family Meeting at eleven."

"I knooooow," she cried out, "I'm really sorry. I know you drive really really fast. And I can't find anyone with a ride."

"That's because it's the city, Olive." I could feel her rolling her eyes to my words that I've had to repeat too many times. I sighed and said, "Yeah, I'll pick you up, but I'm telling Char it's your fault I'm late."

"NO! Why do you have to do that? You know how she is."

"Yeah and that's why you called me and not her. Right?" I rolled to my back and let my eyes finally adjust to my dark room. The sun, just starting to wake up itself, didn't even cast any light over my maroon curtains yet. Her silence told me she wouldn't fight me on my decision. "Good, text me your details and I'll be there." We hung up and I tossed my phone next to me. I grabbed my sheets and threw them over my head let out a loud groan knowing this is only the beginning of a long day.

Opting for no shower to get to my sister quicker; I asked my housekeeper, Ada, to help with my hair. She happily agreed and we talked about what I would like her to do for me today. Everyday involved making my bed, dishes, and laundry. Every other day she'd do floors, counters, and bathrooms. Plus, occasionally she'd order dinner for me if I didn't feel like cooking. Today I asked her if she wouldn't mind signing for my delivery. Of course, Ada said she had no problem signing for it and having dinner ordered for me by the time I arrive home.

2:50 PM

Captain Miles closed his office door behind me. I took a moment to look over hung memorabilia. Pictures and medals of younger more glorious days. Every time I came by the Captain's office I look over the photos to remember the small details. I like knowing small details, the details that aren't important to anyone else except the individual. Often, the smallest decisions, actions, and words can tell the most about someone. The photos on his walls said more than he does about his life and the people in his life. Chewed fingernails being one of those small, meaningful details. Captain Miles is a man that takes pride in his work, but hates it as well. He puts time into his appearance, yet chews on his fingernails. As a man wearing a uniform, he feels the importance of following code and looking professional. Obviously he doesn't chew on his fingernails in public, but there isn't any way of hiding his bad habit. A habit stemming from way before his days as a rookie on the force in his twenties.

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