24. Alice: Disaster

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November 3rd

7:15 PM

Caterers scattered around the kitchen working tensely. Smells of smoked steak, peppers, onions, and tomatoes filled the air. The cook flipped a steak in the air showing off. An older gentleman helped a younger man fix the bow-tie of the uniform for this evening. I leaned against the back wall watching these fifteen men and women use the kitchen to its fullest potential. A young lady approached me with an unprompted cup of coffee, "You look tired ma'am."

I chuckled taking the cup, "Thanks."

"Oh," she shook her head, "I didn't mean any..."

I sipped the coffee, then said, "I know." I put a weak smile on my face, "I didn't sleep well. I do appreciate this." Raising the cup slightly, I said thank you and she walked off. I headed to the women's bathroom and looked over my sweats and untidy ponytail. I looked how I felt. I spent the day working out, baking, painting, reading, cleaning. I tried almost every way to rest. I even debated letting Ada knock me out for almost an hour. One solid punch for an hour of sleep. I decided against it. 

Sleeping pills were out of the question. After my mom's accident, a therapist prescribed sleeping pills. They made me sleepwalk. I had mornings where I woke up in front of the house. Then one morning I woke up in front my mom's crash site. I stopped taking the pills that day. I swore off sleeping pills for good. I rather deal with insomnia than wake up to a reminder of the worst day of my life ever again.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened. The lady that gave me coffee entered, "There you are, there are some officers here to see you."

My eyebrows came forward and I asked, "Officers or feds?" Her mouth opened to speak but she stopped herself. I assured, "It's a long story."

"Uh, officers."

I nodded and followed her out to the back of the building. A large built bald white man in uniform stood next to a fit clean shaven black guy in uniform. I smiled, "Banks, Ray." They turned around and smiles came to their faces. I put my arms out wide, "How are my boys?"

As Banks pulled me into his huge arms, he said, "Better now that the FBI's backing off." I chuckled. Banks let me go after one final squeeze.

Ray pulled me in close, but kept his touch light, "It's been a minute."

Taking a step back, I snickered, "A long minute."

They agreed, then Banks asked bluntly, "So uh, you good?"

Ray slapped his arm, "C'mon man. Leave her alone."

I chuckled and scratched the tip of my nose before stating, "Just tired."

Concerned, Ray asked, "Not sleeping, again, huh?"

I shrugged, "Doesn't matter. I'm good." I sighed, "Down to business then?" They nodded. "You get the boys together?"

Banks informed me, "Nelson's on the way with his kids. He'll be inside."

"Ivan's cousin's buddy is coming down with him to help out," Ray explained.

I thought for a moment, "The one with the scar?"

"The other one," Banks groaned, "Spider tat on the back of his head." I nodded and Banks continued, "X will monitor from the security room. He's bringing extra, ya know..." Guns, Banks referred to guns Xavier would bring with him. He shrugged, "just in case."

Ray sighed, "But your dad's guy... what's his name, fell through."

I rolled my eyes, "Obviously."

"Miles he can't make it either," Ray told me, "he says tell your sister sorry."

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