10. Jax: "He Owes Me"

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September 23

9:00 PM

As our last client of the day left, Carlos and I began cleaning. Lenny left. Marco paced his office, arguing with someone over the phone. Carlos and I paid no mind to the arguing. Since I've been here, Marco's nightly rage pace has become routine. I continued sweeping, thinking about the Westford sisters and how I needed to "impress" them. Three days had gone by and I haven't heard anything from them. Carlos keeps asking questions, some I could answer, but haven't. Others I have no answers for at all. I kept running over everything said to me. I understood that this opportunity is based around business, but the other illegal ventures that this family is involved in had me concerned. And excited. A mixture of feelings I wish I didn't have.

"Hijo de puta!" A shout from Marco and a crash came from his office. I kept still holding the broom while Carlos rushed into his brother's office. Carlos talked calmly, Marco continued to shout in Spanish. I couldn't hear everything, but I caught something about money and a bank. I continued to sweep, keeping my nose away from their business.

Suddenly headlights cast giant shadows on the walls as a Chrysler 300 pulled in. Once parked, the driver honked twice. I stayed quiet trying to peer over the lights. Carlos came running out, "AYE! We're closed!" Marco walked out shielding his eyes. Squinting, he tried looking around the lights. Carlos shouted, "Estamos cerrados."

After a moment, the back door opened and the lights went down. A lady's leg stepped out, a tall heel hitting the ground. Marco sighed, "Carlos relax."

Out stepped Olive Westford. Marco and I didn't look surprised, but Carlos' mouth dropped. She walked in front of the car, dim headlighting silhouetted her tiny frame, "Hey boys."

"H... hi... Ms. Olive," Carlos stuttered.

I watched Olive completely ignore Carlos as she looked over to Marco and waved, "How are you tonight?"

Marco's stressed and annoyed demeanor immediately changed. His shoulders slouched and his eyes looked lighter. "I'm alright," he lied.

Her eyes became wide, she knew he lied. Her smirking and confident nature depleted into a frown. She walked over and her voice became quieter, "You okay?" He simply nodded and they shared a quiet moment looking at each other.

I noted how their interactions became softer with each other. I now saw the relationship they had with one another. Carlos mentioned they had been hooking up with each other; he never said just how close the two actually are. The look in their eyes, a look words can't describe. I don't think Carlos actually knows they're in love with each other.

"You going out tonight?" Marco asked, his eyes seemingly yearning for her to say no. Ultimately, he and I both knew that wouldn't be her answer.

She put her hands on her hips and raised her chin, "I have to. Business." She looked at me. I felt my body tense. This was it, wasn't it? The first of three tasks. She strut her way to me, "We have work to do Mr. Jax," - Mr. Jax? That's a new one - "Get your things."

"Ummm..." Carlos looked back and forth between Olive and I, "Uh, Jax still has..."

Marco put his hand on his little brother's shoulder and shook his head. Olive squinted and crossed her arms at me. "Go!" She waved her hand, dismissing me to get my things. As much as her voice and actions made my skin crawl, I did as told. I gave the broom to Carlos and walked to the back hearing Olive say, "We should talk," I'm assuming to Marco.

From my locker, I grabbed the only three items I bring with me pretty much everywhere - keys, wallet, jacket. I made my way back into the garage to find Carlos sweeping and Olive and Marco in the office chatting. I looked at Carlos, "Man, I should be doing that."

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