16. Alice: Make a Choice

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September 28

4:35 AM

"Alice?" Ada's voice called out as she gently rocked my arm. I swallowed hard. My eyes felt like the Sandman glued them shut. I groaned. My whole body tensed in pain. "Alice," Ada's voice said calmly, "You have slept for over fourteen hours. I was concerned."

Finally I pushed myself up and started to open my eyes. I felt disoriented. Wiping sleep from my eyes, I said, "I don't even remember falling asleep."

"Well, yesterday, you got home very early. Took a shower, ate, slept less than a few hours, then began making calls..."

I nodded. Sitting straighter I felt a pinch in my side. I said, "Yes, Ada. I remember that."

"Oh, well, around two, you poured yourself a drink. Within an hour you had fallen asleep."

I must have passed out from exhaustion, stress, and pain. Ada knows I usually don't get much sleep, so when I sleep too much it worries her. I nodded, "Thank you Ada."

"Of course," she smiled. I began to push myself off the bed. She gave me her hand to help me stand. Ada informed me, "Your phone went off many times as you slept. I took the calls, I hope you do not mind."

"Umm," Ada and I entered the living room, "No Ada, I don't mind. What did you tell them?"

She made way to her tablet. She swiped a few times, "Around 4 PM, I talked to Mr. Nelson Neal. He said he still had nothing. I told him, take notes." I smiled to myself. I should have known Ada would note each call. "He called again at 8 PM, he informed he followed Mrs. Bryan to a phone booth." My eyebrows came forward. Ada confirmed, "Yes, a phonebooth," then continued, "Ivan called. He needed to speak to you directly. I told him you were ill and would call when you could."

"How long has it been since the last time he called?"

"Um," she looked over her notes, "Four hours."

"Okay, anyone, anything else?"

"You received a message from Charlette asking to speak to you and Olive asked if you were okay. Mister Miles called and shouted at me."

"Oh, did he?"

She chuckled, "Yes, I think he thought I was you. Then apologized."

I said under my breath, "Doesn't make it better."

She added, "And a package arrived."

"Unmarked?" I assumed and she nodded. I told Ada when she first started working for us, sometimes business would be dangerous. She told me she had no problem with danger because her father's a hitman in Germany. He numbed her fear. He moved her to America, to be safe. Unfortunately for him, Ada met us and didn't mind a dangerous lifestyle. So, I thought we'd get along just fine. "Ada," she looked up at me, "How about you get some rest, I'm going to take care of these calls."

She handed me her tablet, "Would you like me up at eight?"

"Uh, have you slept at all tonight?"

"No, I started a show about a dying teacher making drugs..."

"Breaking Bad?"

"Yes!" She smiled, "It's so good."

I chuckled, "Right. Um, you need sleep. Take an extra hour or two."

"Of course."

With that Ada left me to my calls. I started with my sisters. I told Charlette I'd see her tonight and to stop worrying about what I'm doing. I told Olive to relax, I'd be there tonight, no worries.

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