13. Jax: Unspoken

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September 26

3:15 PM

"Ey, I need some 'elp ovah 'ere!" Lenny shouted underneath a car in the third garage car space.

"Kind of busy, hombre," Carlos called out from under the hood of a small truck in the first car space.

"Get Marco to help, we're packed man!" I called out walking passed him with a tire rolling under each hand.

"You gonna ask 'im for 'elp?" He moved from under the car and pointed toward the window where Marco paced back and forth holding his phone to his ear. With this much business, I figured all his calls couldn't be about the garage. I leaned the tires against the car I had sitting in the second car space.

I opened Marco's door and leaned my head in. He immediately held up a finger and continued pacing, "Yeah, I understand that, but..." Someone cut him off. I heard fast mumbles on the other end and I waited a minute. He finished the call and hung up.

I stepped inside and closed the door. He rubbed his hands over his head. "What's going on?" I broke and asked. I had to. At this point whatever's going on is leading to work distractions. On days like this, we need more hands. With his brother too afraid to speak up and Lenny refusing to show the boss he needs help, that left me. Marco looked at me, then out the window. I crossed my arms, "How much debt are you in?" He stood up straighter and crossed his arms looking bitter at my brown-nosing. "And where? Because it can't be here."

He knew my words made sense. "That's how you figured it out?" He peered through the window at his brother.

"Carlos hasn't told me anything," I assured.

He nodded and let his hands hit his thighs as he let out a deep breath. "Hospital bills." I didn't see that coming. "Last year our dad lost his house. We had to put him assisted living." I shook my head and ran my hand along my jaw. He straightened himself out and walked up to me, "Our dad, he's getting worse." He looked at his brother again. This time sad and defeated. I knew the look.

"He doesn't know."

"I can't tell him."

"I know." We shared a nod. Brother to brother, we understood the need to protect our siblings.

Marco shook his head and ran his hand through his hair flattening it. He smacked a hand on my shoulder, "Looks like we've got a lot of work to do, huh?" I nodded and we headed into the garage ready to finish the busiest day of the week.

5:01 PM

With every car space occupied and all hands on deck, the day didn't look like it'd be ending any time soon. A classic mustang pulled into the lot and I peered around the tail end of the car I worked on. Marco left his brother under the hood of a mini-van to go talk to whoever pulled in. I went back to working under the car. I heard the doors open and chatter heighten. I crawled out from under the car and sat up to see Alice and two men talking to Marco. Marco shook hands with one of the guys and nodded at Alice.

Carlos ran over to me and kneeled down, "You think she's here for you, amigo?"

Marco turned and gestured towards me. I stood up grabbing the rag sitting next to me and said, "Definitely." I started digging at grease under my nails and waited to be summoned. I looked up and saw her walking over. Sandy locks bounced on the black floral bomber jacket. Lenny, Carlos, and one of the male costumers watched her strut. She walked like a model; strides soft, but dominate. I wondered if she knew she had every man's eyes on her. I caught myself eyeing her like every guy here. I cleared my throat and looked down licking my lips.

I crossed my arms looking back up. She stopped in front of Carlos and me. She looked passed me and spoke to Carlos, "Where's your jacket?"

"Oh..um..." Carlos stuttered. How did she know about the jacket? "It's at home."

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