15. Henry: Exciting

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September 27

2 PM

"HENRY!!!" Captain Miles shouted across the office. I stood quickly, my papers falling off my desk as I moved. "My office, now."

I nodded. Traipsing to his office trying not to notice everyone looking at me. I got to his office and squeezed passed him. Immediately the smell of coffee filled my nose. I stood straight with my head held high and my hands behind my back. I swallowed hard before asking, "Yes, sir?"

"Sit down Henry," he waved his hand. I did as told. Sitting on the seat I realized he had new chairs. Big fancy ones. A beep came from behind the Captain's desk. A brand new espresso machine. No wonder I haven't seen him get any coffee this week. I looked at the Captain. When did he get all this new stuff? The Captain grabbed the cup of black coffee before sitting down. I sat straight and folded my hands on my lap. Last time I got called into his office, I got put on desk duty. I hoped he hadn't learned I let Alice into the security room at the Black Bear. My heart started beating like crazy as Captain Miles spoke, "Henry, I've been thinking a lot recently, I'd like to take you off desk duty."

My heart skipped a beat. I started to smile, "Th.. thank you Captain. I promise..."

"Shut up."

"Okay," I put my head down. He opened a drawer on the side of his desk and pulled out my gun and badge. My face lit up seeing my most missed items.

"I'm putting you on with Ray today." My eyes got wide. "Banks called in sick and I think it'll be good for you."

"You want me on patrol?" My job has consisted of mainly answering public disturbances in parks with newbies and trainees.

"Don't get too excited. This is a parole period, you hear me?" He wagged a finger at me and I nodded trying not to seem as excited as I am. "Ray's waiting for you out back." He handed me my gun and badge. "Go." He waved me from his office nonchalantly.

I took my things, smiled and stood, "Thank you again sir."

Leaving his office I closed his door and did a small celebratory fist pump at my side. I stopped at my desk to pick up the papers that fell. Then I headed out back. Ray leaned on one of the black Dodge Charger squad cars wearing civilian clothing. I checked over my appearance compared to his. I wore the uniform, like procedure says to. I wondered why he didn't wear his, why he didn't get penalized for it. Remembering that he's one of the best officers here, I realized maybe once you get to a certain stature you're allowed to break the rules. But then again, that seemed crazy. Like some weird high school jock rule that transferred into our world. Walking up to Ray, I prepared myself for a long day of being seen as the nerd or lesser than.

Ray saw me and a small smile appeared on his face, "What up man?" He put out his hand and asked, "Henry Day, right?" I didn't except to be so friendly. I shook his hand and nodded. He pulled back and eyed my uniform. "I heard you were a stickler for rules."

"Um," I didn't know how to answer that. I mean the answer is yes, but I didn't want to say that.

"Listen man, I want you to know, straight up - no bullshit - nobody blames you for letting that old lady getting robbed."

"I didn't let it happen..." I got defensive suddenly. "She forgot her purse and asked me to go get it for her. When I got back she was on the ground..."

"Woah," he placed his hands up in defense, "Dude, relax. We all get it. Newbs have it the roughest. We've all been there." I felt stupid for going off on him. I don't know why I did. Ray being nice confused me. He put his hands in his pockets, "You're just starting your shift right?"

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