14. Alice: What A Night

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September 26

8:05 PM

No. No. No.

My heart rate soared. I took a step back from Jax and Boyd. In my head, I hyperventilated. In reality I stood very still with my hands on my hips taking controlled breaths. I didn't want to breath too deeply in this bathroom. And I refused to lose my composure in front of anyone.

Tonight isn't going to plan. Jax and I were suppose to come here to straighten Cain out, fix the place up, kick the crazies out. Simple. Once I saw all the people here I knew I'd have to change the plan: tonight I'd let things go and if Cain didn't get things back in order, I'd take different actions on a different night. Now hearing Cain isn't suppose to be here and he "has plans" to change everything AND he's working with Hoga, put my mind into a spiral. Hoga does know more than he led on. Hoga knows how much my family is capable of, because for - at least - two months he's had an inside man who's known my family over a decade. Hoga has been under my nose for months and Olive's screw up put me into his greasy hands. Hearing Boyd doesn't know where Cain is yet Cain's guys and car are here, I figured Cain doesn't trust Boyd. And I can't trust anyone around Cain anymore. His guards probably told him I'm here. Since Cain is here but Boyd couldn't hear any noises during their conversation that means he's in the basement.

I looked over at Boyd. He stood stroking his straggly goatee. I looked at Jax, who looked worried. Jax gently put his hand on my shoulder and I jerked away. He put his hands up in defense. I had to turn away. Past issues allowed my feelings to make me act like a child. I felt vulnerable in his presence and I hated every second of it. I couldn't remember the last person that made me feel like that. I needed to pull myself together. Jax started, "Alice..." his gruff voice spoke smooth and low, "I can help you... But you have to tell me what's going on."

No. I couldn't. In fact, I wouldn't. This is my problem. I'll fix it. I stood straighter and blinked away the water lining my eyes. I turned to Jax, who stood about half a foot taller than me, "You do what I say and everything'll work out." I swallowed hard as his dark eyes just looked down on me sadly. I looked passed him to Boyd, "Right now, if you do what I say, I'll make sure there's a pretty pay out of it for you." I directed with no fear, "You get everyone out of here." I looked at Jax, "Both of you. Get 'em out, however you can."

"And what are you going to do?" Jax questioned.

I ignored the question and continued, "Jax once you're out, get someone's phone, call the fire department. Make sure you don't use your phone. Or your own voice. Tell them you heard someone say they were going to blow up one of the buildings at the Port." I looked back at Boyd before Jax could say anything, "Understand?"

He shook his head, "Why? What's happening?"

"Cain's here."

They both looked at me wildly. Then Jax said, "The car you were staring at."

"No, that doesn't make any sense," Boyd whined.

"He's in the basement. There's a soundproof room. You wouldn't know about it." I explained. Boyd jumped on board, but Jax still looked leery. We walked out of the bathroom and Boyd started trying to get people out. Jax stood next to me. I didn't know how to play this. I hadn't lied to him yet, I think I need to now. By telling him the truth, he wouldn't let me go down there at all. Jax is the protective type, especially when it comes to women.

People stood around still shouting at fights. Jax looked at me, "Bomb threat is pretty specific." I said nothing. "Talk Alice."

"Just go. I can handle it." His jaw tensed. I admitted, "Tonight wasn't suppose to be like this." I decided to quote my dad, "This fell how it fell, so now we deal with what has fallen." His eyebrows came together. I licked my lips and said, "We don't have time for this." I pulled out a card I didn't think I'd use on him. "As someone who took an oath to protect," I ordered sternly, "go protect." I motioned him to the room of scattered people not listening to Boyd. He tensed up. He shook his head slightly. I could see how reluctant he felt about leaving me, but he did.

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