8. Olive: Friends

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September 20th

11 AM

Nina. Kelly. Tiffany.

These girls are the greatest. I've known all three since elementary school and we've been through everything together. I watched as they searched my closet for something to wear to the Black Bear. Nina picked up an ivory silk dress and held it against her body. I shook my head and she tossed it to the floor. Tiffany started giggling when she picked up a mesh dress with x's over the private areas. I rolled my eyes. Kelly picked up a blue strapless cocktail dress with small cutouts around the hips and I knew she had to wear that. Nina finally found a hot pink spring dress with ruffles that totally fit her personality. Tiffany found a green gown with a slit up to her mid thigh. As they put their dresses on, I slid on my pink sequenced Tom Ford dress and Castana black heels.

We headed downstairs where daddy and Mary sat eating brunch. The girls and I lined up next to the table and daddy looked up at me, "Oh, Olive, you look stunning." He looked over at my friends and chuckled, "I see we've raided little Olive's closet again, hum?"

"Yes, sir." Nina said twirling slightly.

"She has the best, like, everything, " Tiffany stated.

"We really appreciate the invitation Mr. Westford," Kelly thanked.

Daddy chuckled, "Of course girls. You all look very lovely."

The doorbell rang. My hairdresser arrived. I quickly kissed daddy on the cheek, "We'll see you later, daddy." I waved to Mary, "See ya Mary."

Our hairdresser had our hair done in just enough time for us to accessorize and head out to the limo. Daddy had already left by the time we got settled in the limo. Since we didn't have much of a long ride I figured I had to get straight to reviewing our plans for tonight. I turned down the music and put up the glass between the limo driver and us girls. "Now, let's go over everything one more time." My beautiful besties sat watching me, "Tonight you'll be meeting the richest and most fancy people in a hundred mile radius. Best behaviors are a must. Smiles and politeness are everything. Flirting is acceptable as long as it's well mannered." For Nina, who's the youngest, I added, "And if parents aren't around."

"How do we know if parents are in site?" Nina waved her hand.

I answered, "You three are wearing my dresses, these people will know you are plus ones - no offense."

"None taken," Tiffany sipped her wine.

"So they'll be glaring," Kelly correctly pointed out and I nodded. "And we can flirt with servers?"

"Of course," I rolled my eyes.

"Ewe, why would you want to? They're all working and stuff, like gross." Nina fake gagged and I glanced at her, annoyed at her comment.

"Not everyone is blessed with such entitled amazing friends, Nina," Kelly nudged Nina.

"And besides, poor people fuck better," Tiffany stated and we all tossed her a gasp. "What, it's true? Ya know, cause they work for it." We started laughing until she added, "Olive should know all about that."

I threw my four thousand dollar clutch at her, "Shut up!" They finished with their giggles and I said, "Enough goofing. You all know your places right?"

One by one, they repeated their part in going to this event tonight.

Tiffany started, "When you nod your head toward me, I'll head to the back hall where there'll be a security guard standing at a stair case. Distract until Alice exits security office." I nodded.

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