23. Olive: Just Tell Me the Truth

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November 3

10:02 AM

Two knocks came from my door before Mary poked her head inside, "Olive, you have a visitor."

I didn't know who it could be. I'm not suppose to see anyone until my party tonight. I turned to Mary, "Who is it?"

"Mr. Sterling," she said. "He said he'd like to ask you a favor." I looked over myself in the mirror and wondered what favor he'd need. Jax didn't seem like the type to ask for help and he certainly doesn't seem interested in me physically, so I couldn't put my newly manicured fingertips on what he'd want from me.

I trotted downstairs to see Jax leaning by the front door with a scowl on his face. He saw me stood a bit straighter as I got closer, "You need something?"

He put his hands in his pockets, "I know today's your birthday, so, um, happy birthday."

I happily thanked him, then asked, "But you need something from me?"

He sighed, "You know who your sister's contacts are, right?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, I guess. Most of them anyway." I tossed my hair to the side and crossed my arms, "Why?"

"I need to find someone..."

I jumped in with a scuff, "That's what Alice does..." His eyes moved to the ground, looking almost sad. I knew the look. Something happened between him and her. "What happened?" My mood drastically changed. I had been annoyed with Alice for bringing Marco's uncle back into town and asking Marco to do it for her. But, no matter what, if Jax hurt her or they got in a fight, I would take Alice's side. I would support her. That's what sisters do.

Hesitantly he answered, "I can't ask Alice for help."

I flung my hands out, "Why?" As I placed my hands on my hips, Jax took a heavy breath. "Did you hurt her?"

Jax gave me a bewildered look, "What?" He shook his head, "No..." he stood straighter again and said, "We... I just can't ask her right now."

Suddenly I wondered if he felt angry with her for something. Maybe the whole FBI thing? I tilted my head, "Are you mad at her?" Then a crazy thought hit me, "That means everyone's mad at Alice!" Panic filled my mind and I placed my hand on my chest, "She must feel so alone right now. Daddy is still upset about what happened with Cain and the FBI. Charlette is just Charlette and I was so mean to her the other day Jax."

Jax sighed and placed his hands on my shoulders, "Breathe, Olive." I took a shaky breath. He assured me, "I'm not mad at her, I just..." he removed his hands from me and placed them in his pockets again, "I don't want her to be right about something."

I huffed in confusion, "Well, that's gonna be a bit hard." He didn't look at me. "Alice is always right."

He looked disappointed. At himself? Me? Alice? - I didn't know who disappointed him, but I knew the look. His strong jawline tensed, "She told me something," he scratched his stubble, "after I told her some things and said some things -- that maybe I shouldn't have..." Jax looked pained as he tried explaining what happened between him and my sister. "I have a tendency to say stupid shit in the heat of the moment and sometimes it comes off wrong and I don't think..... Alice and I had some words, that's all. And I can't go to her..."

I finished his thought, "Because you need to see it for yourself." His surprised eyes made me giggle. I crossed my arms, "I can be deep sometimes." A chuckle from Jax loosened the tension. I could see in his eyes that he needed this. I rolled my eyes, "What do you need to know?"

10:30 AM

Jax asked me to help him find his sister, Kelly Sterling. He told me my sister had someone keeping tabs on her. I figured Captain Miles would have the information I needed, but since he's still being watched by the FBI, I decided to call Ray and Banks. Those two have worked with Alice just as much as Captain Miles has - if not more.

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