18. Alice: Confronting A Nightmare

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September 28

7:15 PM

I can't believe Charlette! I expected her to tell me how irresponsible I am or how unprepared I am, but I never excepted her to harass me as much as she did. I didn't want our dad to know just how bad the situation is. Seeing the disappointment in his eyes. I wished I had told him about the disgusting actions of Charlette, but I would never do that to her. I would never tell our dad how many guys Olive gets with or how much money she spends on drugs. I would never dig so much into either of their lives. Especially with our dad in the next room! He doesn't know and doesn't need to know how much we get up to. He doesn't need all our issues riding on him. It's our rule. Charlette ruined that. I don't think I would be so hurt or mad if she had harassed me anywhere but around our dad. I couldn't get the look on his face out of my head. I have never been in so much trouble. My dad and I have always been close. Never once had he looked at me so tensely. In one look I saw complete disappointment, anger and sadness.

"Alice," Jax's voice caught my attention. I didn't turn to him. Jax made his way next to me, "Hey..."

I stopped him, "Jax, I don't have time for this."

"I just want to know if you're okay," he moved to stand in front of me. With a blank facial expression, I peered up at him. He closed his eyes and sighed. Opening his eyes, he said, "Is there more I should know?"

"Don't turn around," I said calmly, "There are two fed cars sitting at the end of the driveway. One of them has been tailing me most of the day. The other has probably been here all day. From here on out, all of us, including you, are going to be followed. They're going to take pictures of the people you talk to and the things you do. Jst because you're talking to me."

"How can I help?"

I shook my head and scuffed a laugh, "You can't. This isn't something that I can put a band-aid on. It has to play out."

He went silent for a moment before looking me in the eye and saying, "Where are you going? You said you have things to do?"

"Yeah and it's better you don't know." I could tell this surprised him. "I really have to go, Jax." I started walking away and he jogged up behind me. I looked at him as I opened my door, "What are you doing?"

He got to his midnight black '67 Pontiac GTO and looked back at me, "Not helping." He smirked and got into his car.

I ignored him and headed out of my dad's driveway. As I pulled onto the road, I saw the federal agent's headlights turn on. I rolled my eyes and just focused on the road ahead. I couldn't think about how I had to shake them right now, too many other things filled my mind. Suddenly I heard a horn go off and a crash sound. I peered into my rearview mirror. Jax jumped out of his car and he looked to be arguing with the agents. I continued driving. Even with everything that's happening, a smile crept onto my lips. During my drive, I found myself smiling like an idiot for most of the ride because of Jax.

9:20 PM

I parked at the back of the Bedside Motel. I locked my car and made my way around the motel passing a few questionable people sitting outside their rooms. An older man called out something obscene and I ignored it. Odd noises and smells came from other rooms I passed. I looked over the parking lot filled with broken sad cars and the flickering neon sign. On the door of room twenty the two hung upside down. I took a hasty breath before knocking on the door three times.

Xavier opened the door, "Alice, you good?" I nodded and he let me inside. Phinehas and Maggie sat on the single twin bed while Nelson sat in a chair at the table by the front window.

Xavier closed and locked the door. Phinehas stood, "Where are my kids?" Maggie grabbed his hand and sat him back down.

I checked in with Nelson and Xavier, "Have they talked?"

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