Cat Toys

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The islands got smaller until they were just little rocky dots in the ocean and were almost too small for all of us to perch on.

"Tell me you where we're going, horse-fish," Korr said as Ethat alighted on an island that was little more than a rock sticking up out of the waves. Ethat's claws bit through the rock and he had to keep adjusting his claws to keep his balance.

Itek landed with more delicate grace on the side of the rock. I kept my fingers twisted into his feathery ruff and tried to keep myself centered over his spine. Asund, in wolf-form, had himself akwardly braced in front of Korr, and Ormiss was behind Korr, but Korr kept his balance on his brother's back with an elegant grace, like he was riding a stamping horse and was unconcerned by it.

"I did warn you it was a journey, did I not?" Ormiss leaned over Korr's shoulder to tell him this.

"Yes, but we cannot merly swim home."

"To be fair, it is a long swim for me and Theia."

Korr elbowed Ormiss in the gut. Ormiss oof'd. Itek clicked his beak and Ethat grumbled as he adjusted his claws on the rock. Ormiss pointed. "Keep going. We are close. Follow the current as it bends south. Land in the surf on the western side of the mountain. Do not fly over the temple or circle it. We will approach in the traditional fashion. As supplicants."

Itek shook his ruff. I twisted my hands and held on as he re-launched himself in the air, and I cringed as I heard the island crumble under Ethat as he pushed back into the air.

I couldn't see the current, but apparently Itek could see it, and he glided along the warm thermals past the last little rocky island and into the open ocean. And then there was nothing but the ocean.

Until an island appeared out in the dark blue: a large island that shone in the afternoon light, green and yellow and gray and shining blue.

Itek swept out wide so we'd come in straight from the west, and executed a perfect landing into the dark surf pounding a narrow strip of sandy beach that led up multiple flights of stairs to the temple, which seemed to be the only building on the island.

I managed to keep my dignity and not scream or fall off him once he splashed into the water. But it was the template that instantly took my attention: it was shaped like multiple boxes of decreasing size stacked one on top of the other, but all around the edges were profusions of flowers and cascades of green leaves. The building was painted the exact same shade as the sky: a lovely luminous sky blue, trimmed in cloudy white. The blue was only punctuated with the darkness of many arched openings that maybe were windows or maybe were doors.

Leading up to the temple's first level from the beach were two large sandstone urns, each containing dozens, maybe hundreds of shells.

Ethat landed in the water just behind them and splashed up the surf to stand abreast of Itek. Ormiss dismounted promptly in a swirl of skirts, and pulled his staff-lantern off his back. Asund bounced into the water and then trotted up onto the beach to shake out his fur.

Itek shifted his weight on the sand and clicked his beak.

"Shift," Ormiss commanded them.

"What now?" Itek asked Ormiss.

"We wait. They already know we're here. Theia." Ormiss nodded to the place at his side.

"I am not your pet that you just summon." I was not in the mood to deal with any of them. They could start learning to ask, because it was damn apparent they weren't actually looking out for me. Their first thought was always how could Theia the Unicorn cause problems, not Theia the Consort and her problems.

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