Its life Filler

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Hey guys so here it goes so far! Vote comment fan this is my first story so lets see how it goes thanks! ~Bri



My name is Allison but my friends call me Ally. I live with my best friend Zoe in an apartment and we both work at Delilah's Diner. We are 18, in our last year of school. Zoe has a boyfriend named Tyler and I broke up with my boyfriend. It was mutual- he had to move and we didn't want a long distance relationship. So here is my story.

Here is my life.


I walked home from my shift at D's Diner after Zoe came in to take over. When I got home I went straight upstairs and took a shower, got changed, and started to pack my bag for the first day of school tomorrow. After that I went and laid down on my bed to watch a movie. I must have passed out because the next thing I knew, I was being woken up by my alarm clock.

I got up, walked to my closet and decided to wear dark blue ripped skinny jeans and a red tank top and a sweatshirt with my converse. I then proceeded to brush my teeth and put my hair in my usual style which is down.

After running downstairs and eating a quick bowl of Captain Crunch with Zoe, we walked out and took my grey and black Nova. She was my baby. This car was the only thing left to me after my parents died in a car crash a year and a half ago.

As soon as we get in the car Zoe blasts the radio and we start singing along to "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction and off we go.


So this is the beginning what do you think?


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