Its life 2cd chapter

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Hey so here the date is in this chapter XD ~Bri 


School was over for the day and I don't know why we started on a Friday guess to just meet the teachers. I went home and took a shower and a soon as I got out Zoe ushered me into my room.

"Come on you got to get ready for your date!" 

"It's not a date just a movie..."  

"Ya right it's obvious that he likes you and I can tell you like him plus he is hot so give it a try!" 

"He doesn't like me and I don't want to ruin our friendship an..." 

"Ally Shut up and hear me out okay!" She cut me off before I could say anything and after I didn't reply she continued.  

"Corbin is a great guy and he seems to like you and don't say you don't like him I can tell he makes you happy and lovey-dovey when your around him so just trust me okay."  

"Okay" I replied weakly 

"Great now lets get you dressed!"

To tell you the truth I was happy and nervous tonight but I don't know why. I've been over his house before and spent the night when my parents were busy. But i was only like 11 at the time. He lives right down the street so I don't know why he offered to pick me up bu..

"COME ON!" Zoe practically yelled at me stopping my thoughts. 

We went over to my closet and found a really cute blue v-neck top that had hearts all over it and a nice pair of slightly ripped jeans. Zoe  

french braided my long dirty blonde hair and put on a little bit of dark blue eye shadow to make my blue eyes pop. She put on a tad bit of mascara and some lip gloss and voila! This outfit went perfect with my leather jacket and when I put on my converse I looked complete.

"Thanks Zoe" 

"For what?" 

"Being there for everything and helpin me through their d-death" I said tearing up at the last part  

"Hey shhh it's ok don't cry they wouldn't want you to" She said soothingly and gave me a tight squeeze while making sure I didn't smudge my makeup. When everything seemed ok she grabbed my phone and handed it to me and lead me downstairs.

About right after I got downstairs Corbin got here and knocked on the door and after I said bye to Zoe we left.

"Hey you look amazing." He said 

"Thanks you don't look too bad yourself" I said looking him over. I was right he looked sexy in his black shirt leather jacket and dark blue jeans you could see his muscles from under his tight fitting v-neck. He wasn't extremely buff but he had the perfect amount of muscles and a six pack. What amazed me is that he didn't even work out a lot.

"Haha thanks I know I'm just too irresistible" he joked 

"Ya to flys maybe"I said trying not to smile and think about how true that actually was 

"Those flys must have extremely good taste then." 

I just chuckled and shook my head "so what movie are we gonna watch?"I asked 

"I was thinking a horror like paranormal activity." 

"Okay sounds cool" 

The rest of the ride consisted of us singing on the top of our lungs "Thrift Shop" by Macklemore and then we were at his house.

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