It's Life 12th chapter

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I got home and was still shocked. Not just about the kiss but i truly think that i am in love with Corbin Greene the biggest player in my school. Since when did my life become so dramatic. Oh ya after my parents died.


We were going to a restaurant for a celebratory dinner of my dads new promotion. It was winter but it wasn't supposed to snow until later. Keyword: supposed. We made it there in great weather and stayed eating and chatting for about a hour maybe a hour and a half. We were talking about the new promotion and of course school. My parents have always wanted me to go to a good college. I told them my plans of wanting to take a year off and travel and just live life then go to college to become a reading teacher. The waitress brought over our bill, we paid then left. The restaurant was about an hour from home.

We were roughly 15 minutes into our drive when it started to snow. It was falling really fast in large flakes and it started to get really windy. We were on the highway when a huge gust of wind blew and we couldnt see. A huge truck ended up hitting us. Head on. I was in the back and had my seat belt on so i got out with two broken ribs, one broken leg, and one arm. I had lots of bruises and went unconscious but other then that i was fine. My parents werent so lucky.

Neither had their seat belts on. The air bags malfunctioned so they flew out of the windshield. They landed about thirty feet in front of the car. Almost all of the bones in their bodies were broken but somehow they still suffered for about 2minutes of pure agony before they finally died. I woke up in the hospital and was told all of this. The only thought going through my head: why couldnt i go with them?

          **********************END FLASHBACK***************************

I woke up by my alarm and had tears cascading down my face. I didnt even know when i fell asleep last night but i wish i hadnt. Every time i have the dream is like the first time. I got up and jumped in the shower before brushing my teeth and hair. I went to my closet and grabbed some black skinny jeans and a blue top with peace signs and hearts all over it. Leaving my hair down and slipping on my converse i ran out the door after grabbing my hoodie. I got to school in record time and had my bag away by the first bell I sprinted down the hallway and still ended up being 5 minutes late for class. The class in which holds the strictest teacher ever.

I walked in and she didnt even look up before saying "detention for one hour after school Ms. Martin" I didnt even bother arguing just sighed and took my seat. They day seemed to go in a blur and before i knew it i was standing outside of the detention room. I took a huge breath and walked in. I wasn't surprised to see Mandy, one of Casey's old minions, to be here. She usually gets in trouble for showing to much skin. And today she was doing exactly that. As per usual the detention teacher was asleep on his desk.

I sat down towards the back by the window when Mandy started talking to me, "He doesn't really like you he's only going to use you" she said matter-of-factly "Your wrong he's not going to use me because i won't let him unlike some people" i said looking at her in disgust. She smirked "he doesn't use me hun he truly likes me thats why we're going on a date tonight." i laughed "Yeah right thats so funny i only thought your make up resembled a clown but apparently your humor does too" i said while wiping imaginary tears from my eyes.

"Really then whats this?" She then showed me a conversation over texts between her and Corbin's number:

Corbin- Hey Mandy baby wanna go see a movie tonight ;)

Mandy- I'd love to but what about your new slut? lol

Corbin- haha forget about her 

Mandy- who? haha ;)

Corbin- pick you up at 7

I looked at the time stamps and sure enough it was about a hour after we kissed. Why does he have to keep doing this to me! seeing my pained expression Mandy laughed "You idiot did you actually think he 'loved' you! he doesn't love anyone even i know that but damn he is hot! After awhile you get used to it." she said smirking.

I just sighed and looked back out of the window. I stayed silent for the rest of the hour then bolted out of the classroom. I went out to my car only to see it leaning against my precious baby. "Who got you so pissy?" Corbin asked chuckling. I ignored him. "Hello anybody home?" he asked knocking on my head.

"Look im really not in the mood for your tricks today so please just move!" i said impatiently

"I told you this isn't a game!" he yelled

"Oh really? Why can't forget about your new "slut' like Mandy did?" I snapped.

His face fell " I-well-I-I...." he stuttered

"She was right after awhile i guess you do get used to it right? We used to be such good friends so what the hell happened?" i seethed

"I'm a player i can't fall in love!" he said like it was the most conspicuous thing in the world.

"And what does that have to do with our friendship?" i asked getting annoyed

"Well how the hell am i supposed to be friends with someone who im falling in love with!" he yelled then his hand flew to cover his mouth and his eyes grew wide at what he just said.

"Your such a baby! Even through the whole Mike thing i was still able to fall in love with you! Why can't you fall in love!' i yelled angrily.

"Y-you love me?" he chocked out

"Pretty damn close to it but you just have to keep ruining your chances dont you!" I cursed myself for my voice cracking at the end. Before I knew what was happening I was pushed into a car and Corbin was about to kiss me. I pushed him back. "You really need to sort this out because im not gonna be your toy on the sidelines when you get fed up with Mandy or anybody else you screw around with." with that I pushed him further way and got in my car and drove off.

************************CORBINS POV**********************************************

I pushed her against the car and was about to kiss the lips that just said she fell for me. I was about an inch away when she pushed me away and said "You really need to sort this out because im not gonna be your toy on the sidelines when you get fed up with Mandy or anybody else you screw around with." then pushed me even further away and drove off. She was right i needed to choose between her or my player life and i needed to choose fast. I took out my phone and called Manda or was it Missy? Wait no it was definitely Melanie or was it Marisa? ugh whatever anyway i called her and told her it was off. This doesn't mean im leaving my player life but hearing what Ally said made tonight feel weird. I got in my car and drove off home before collapsing on my couch and took a nap... With Diane. Just kidding i called that off too. Man i really need to choose fast.


K well i did this fast for lillonelybunny1146 and kate0525 who are really good friends so i decided they (along with all of you) deserved a good update thank again for reading!

~Bri :):):):):):):):):):):))))))

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