It's life 15th chapter

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Thank you guys for reading over 600 reads?!? Love ya!



We walked back into his house dripping wet and laughing. His mom and dad left to go out to dinner and they were renting a motel so we could have our date tonight. We went upstairs and both grabbed a towel to dry off. "Here ya go" Corbin said handing me his shirt that I used to wear constantly and some shorts which i gladly took and changed in his en suite. When I came back out he was playing his acoustic guitar and singing "For the first time" by the script. His back was facing me so he didn't know i was standing in the door way of his bathroom. "Oh these times are hard yeah they're making us crazy don't give up on me baby" he finished with one last strum.

"Your really good" I whispered making him jump

"How long have you been there?" he asked but didn't turn to look at me

"Long enough" i said walking over and sitting down next to him on his bed. He set his guitar down and put his arm around me as i leaned my head on his shoulder. "You should play at Kates Kitchen on open mike night" I told him probably for the fifth time

"I don't know you know I hate singing in front of people..." He mumbled

"I know but your so good!" I argued

"Well think of it as our little secret" He said winking

"AWWW" I said while poking his stomach causing him to jump

"Why did you poke my belly?" he wined like a two year old. Basically like he always does

"Your fat" I replied with a shrug. He moved his arm off of my shoulder

"IM NOT FAT!" he yelled on the top of his lungs "TAKE IT BACK" he said narrowing his eyes

"Nope truth hurts" i said trying not to laugh

He was glaring very eerily at me now "Take. It. Back." He said very slowly and his voice was menacingly low. My eyes widened and I jumped up to start running but he caught me and threw me on the bed. "Now." He said in the same scary voice "Take it back" He said while moving to sit on me and holding my arms above my head.

'No!" i squealed failing at my attempts to get out of his grasp. 

"Well then..." he whispered evilly "time for someone to visit"

my eyes widened "w-who?" i stuttered

"THE TICKLE MONSTER!" He shouted while attacking my sides with one hand as the other held both of mine above my head.

"S-STOP AHHHHHHH!" I screeched

"Take it back!!!" he said chuckling

"FINE!" I yelled which immediately stopped the tickle torture but he didn't release me from his grasp

"Your not fat" I started "Your fluffy" I laughed as his smile turned into a scowl. Then he began tickling me again.

"AHHHH A-AND YOUR U-U-UGLY A-A-A AHHHHH A-AND KI-KISS L-L-LIKE A-AHHH A-N OLD LA-LADY!" he stopped and gaped at me then smirked and leaned close to my ear

"I know you think im sexy and about the kissing thing.... I'll just have to prove you wrong" he whispered huskily in my ear before moving slightly and crashing his lips to mine. I reacted instantly. Our lips moved in perfect sync as his tongue pried my lips open and deepened the kiss just as it was getting good he pulled away.

"so do i really kiss like an old lady?" he whispered as he smirked. my answer was pulling his face close to mine and saying "not quite sure yet" still smirking he said "guess we should test it again"  laughing i brought his lips to mine. I could kiss him all day. sadly his phone rang. he sighed and got up to answer it, frowning at the screen telling him who was calling he picked up.

"what do you want Mandy" he said not bothering to hide how annoyed he was "no we did not have a date! I told you we're through with whatever 'relationship' we had." he paused to hear whatever she was saying before he answered her "Yes as a matter of fact it is Ally I love her and if you do or  say anything to her you'll regret it" With that he hung up and sighed heavily. "When is she going to get the message that i don't like her!"

"Anymore you mean?" I asked

"no, i never liked her"

"So you just played her?" I asked not meeting his gaze

he sighed again before coming over and tilting my head up so i would look at him "Look I was a player I know and I hate myself for it but you can't change what happened in the past only stop it from reoccurring in the future. I really am trying to change for you and for me"

I stared at him for a minute before standing up and hugging him "I know I'm sorry" I whispered in his ear. He clung to me like I was his life support. "Stay" He too whispered. "Please" he added while pulling away and pulling the stupid adorable puppy dog face. I smiled and playfully slapped him "Your too freaking cute" He smirked "I know" I smirked as well and added "...With that face" he gasped "I am cute no matter what!" I laughed  "Your so vain!"

he smiled "Well I might be cute... but not as cute as you" He said attempting to kiss me. I stepped back at the last moment "Cheeeeesy!" I yelled as I ran away from him and out of his room. I was about to run down the stairs when he grabbed my waist and pulled me back into his chest. "You love it" He whispered before he spun me around and pecked my lips then he grabbed my hand and walked down stairs to the living room. He put on a movie and I made popcorn and when I came out of the kitchen I glared at him but it didn't stop him from screaming "GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN PEASANT!!!" again... I laughed and plopped myself on the couch next to him and started the movie. We stayed like that the rest of the night cuddling and watching movies and eventually we drifted off to sleep.


d'awwww righhhht!?! so maybe if your not robot pandacondas ( panda anacondas duh...) then you can drop a vote? Any feedback fellow non-robotic pandacondas? No I am not high I am just weird. If somehow I am high then it's high offa HAPPINESS jk im not happy Imma depressed whale. jk again.Im completely fine. OMG i need to stop like now. Okay maybe now. This time for sure. OMG I CAN'T STOP TYPING. wait its ok i just need to stop moving my fingers. IMPOSSIBRU.haha.I was joking.I can totally stop anytime.HELP ME.wait nope never mind.I got this.bye!for real after i leave my signature.ok here it goes.Im going to stop.! THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME.... real quick ps: John (jennys bf) is on the side

~Bri :):):):):):)))))))

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