Its life 28th chapter

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I have to write I'm like obsessed to get this out for you to read it xD



I ran down the road and through open the door to my house before slamming it shut and sliding down it. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them before burying my head in them.

"Ally?" I looked up to see Zoe looking at me questioningly, with a straightener in her hand like a weapon. Normally, I would have laughed, but then again, today's not normal. It felt like everything was happening in slow motion and our fight just kept replaying in my mind over, and over again. She took one look at my tear stained face and dropped her 'weapon' before coming over and sitting next to me, wrapping her arms around me and pulling me into a sideways hug.

"What happened thunder buddy?" She asked, releasing me from the hug and nudging my shoulder. I told her everything that happened, she actually started crying. Only then did I realize I've been crying myself. I knew I shouldn't have done this, fell in love. Especially this deeply. After Mike hurt me I didn't want to fall in love, but some things you just can't control. I know that when you fall in love, someone has to be there to catch you, because everything that falls, breaks.

********CORBIN'S POV****** (before Ally arrives)

It's been a week, not just any week, the worst that I have ever had. Seven days since I've talked to her, properly looked at her, kissed her. It was killing me. I called, and called, but she doesn't answer. It doesn't take a genius to figure out she's avoiding me, but I have NO idea why! I called again, and she finally answered!

"Hello" She said wearily.

 "Ally!" I exploded in happiness "Whats wrong?!?"

"Nothing" It was easy to tell she was lying. "Lost my phone" Ha yeah right!

"oookay" I said, probably sounding as disbelieved as I felt "Can you come over?" I asked her hopefully.

"Yeah I'll be there in a few" she answered , before hanging up. I sprung off of my bed and picked up a little before I heard her knock on my door. "Corbin?" She knocked quietly. I ran over to the door and pulled it open before enveloping her in a huge hug. I picked her up and brought her into my room, closing the door with my foot. I pulled her back a little and hungrily scanned over her body a few times, never wanting to forget exactly how she looked. I saw a guilty expression on her face but chose to ignore it and leaned down, eagerly pressing my lips against hers. My body came alive a gain, like all of my senses were lit on fire. She kissed back but suddenly stopped and pushed gently on my chest, creating a gap of space between us, much to big for my liking might I add. I gave her a confused look and tried capturing her lips with my own again, before she blurted two words:

"I'm moving" She said suddenly. Two simple words, but they caused my blood to run cold and my heart to stop.

"What!" I said, shocked, stumbling backwards. Then narrowing my eyes as everything clicked, the avoiding fell into place.

"My aunt from London called an-" I cut her off.

"London!" I shouted, seeing her cringe at the loudness of my voice, but I was to freaked out to care.

"When" I continued angrily " Did you find out"

"Last week" She squeaked, gulping.

"Why are you telling me now?" I asked, seething, adding emphasis on 'now'

"You" She swallowed "You had a right to know" She whispered

"No I had a right to know a week ago!" I exploded "Is this why you've been avoiding me?" I asked, just to clarify things.

She nodded.

"Did you tell the rest of your friends?" I asked, trying to calm down.

Another nod. My jaws and fists clenched.

"So I guess this just proves how much you 'love' me" I said, making air quotes with my fingers at the word 'love'

"But no big deal right? I mean, it's just a high school relationship, they never last" I spat out bitterly.

"I do love you" She said strongly, looking up to meet my cold gaze. My heart clenched at the tears streaming down her face but I quickly recovered, and did what I do best, I broke her heart.

"Ha ha, very funny, I think you should leave" I said emotionless, I couldn't say I didn't love her, because, sadly, I did. Actually no, not sadly, it wasn't hard to fall in love with her and I don't regret it. I want to, but honestly I just can't. She turned on her heal and ran, leaving her shattered heart along the way. I walked to the door and shut it, sliding down it and running my hands through my hair. Seriously, how did she expect me to react to that! She was my first, and only, love.


"Everything's gonna be okay Al, just give it time" Zoe said reassuringly.

I sighed, " Looks like I don't have enough time to wait." With that, I got up and went up to my room to, reluctantly,  finish packing. I was packing the last box when I came across an old photo album. Sitting on my bed, one of the only things left in the room, I opened it. I scanned through tons of pictures, me on my seventh birthday, me,dad, and mom, me and Zoe as kids on the swing set, my old dance recitals. I flipped through memory, after memory, until I came to the last page. There was a picture of me and Corbin that he took on our first date, next to it was a note my mom wrote me a week before she passed:

My dearest Ally,

I have to leave for work early but wanted to say this, me and your father are so very proud of you and the woman you have become. You are the greatest daughter a mother could ask for and your so smart. Go for your dreams and reach for the stars, always know your dad and I will be here for you, no matter what. Live your life to the fullest. Whoever you fall for will be one lucky guy, never give up on true love Ally, It's the best thing in the world and the hardest to find. Times might get tough, but sooner or later they have to smooth out, remember, there's always a bright side. Every dark night has it's bright day.

Love always, Mom xoxo

I teared up at the last thing my mother ever wrote to me, she was right, no matter how something may seem at the moment, it will get better, it has too. The question was, when?


 Thought this was a good spot to stop, it's a little short but normal for my chapters, sorry they only range from about 2-2 and half pages. I'll try and make them longer but it's hard. As always, thanks for ready!


Comment? (If you comment your story I'd love to read it although I'm not really into fanfics)


~Bri:):):):):):)))) LISTEN TO THE SONG ON THE SIDE!

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