Its life 17th chapter

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Thanks for all the reads! Please read A/N at the end! :)))))))




I arrived at school early today for once! YAY ME! I mentally high fived myself quickly before entering my class. Apparently we had and assembly today and the was going to be a karaoke thing during it. We all filed out of the classroom and into the gym.  They started calling the people up that signed up to do the karaoke. About five names in they called me. Weird I didn't sign up. I looked over to see Mandy smirking and glaring at me. Okay so this is supposed to be 'payback'? Little did she know that I can actually sing. I jumped on the stage as 'Rolling in the Deep' started playing. Of course she would choose something difficult but it should be a surprise to her to know I know this song word for word. I started singing the whole time my eyes never left Mandy. I enjoyed seeing her smug expression turning shocked then completely pissed. After I preformed Mandy got up on the stage looking a me with a sour expression. I smirked and walked off. She started singing 'girlfriend' by Avril Lavigne staring at Corbin. I laughed as she completely screwed up with the pitches. Her voice was even more screechier than usual and about everyone covered their ears.

The assembly was pretty boring and soon we were let back to whatever class we were supposed to be in. The whole time during classes I was counting down to lunch. I was starving do to missing breakfast. '5...4...3...2...1!' The voice in my head counted down excitedly. I basically ran all the way to the lunch room. I got my lunch then went to sit with my friends. Corbin wasn't sitting here. I looked around and saw him some of the guys on the other side of the room. There was a bleach blonde strutting over to Corbin and sat on his lap. Mandy. He pushed her off and she started yelling at him. I got up and started walking over there. She saw me when I was about 3 feet away and kissed him. 'She must have some nerve' I thought as I grabbed her shoulder and yanked her off of him. She slapped me which just got me angrier. I slowly turned my face towards her instead of it being at the side from the force of her slap. She was smirking, 'not for long' I said in my head as I soccer punched her in the face. She fell to the ground.

"You really need to grow the fuck up and stop trying to steal other girls boyfriends. I know your low but really? How much longer do you think you can do this? Your worse then how Casey used to be! I can't even see your face under all the crayola make up you put on this morning! Markers are for drawing on paper not on your face silly!" everyone started laughing. With that I walked away and left school. I was out of the door when I heard footsteps behind me and turned around. Corbin walked up to me smiling.

"high five girl!" he said in a really high pitched voice as he held up his hand. I laughed and put my hand in a fist and turned it sideways before pressing it to his hand.

"TURKEY!" i yelled sticking my thumb out as the head,my fist the body, and his open palm the tail feathers. He just chuckled and shook his head.

"Good to know my girl can throw a punch" he teased. I just laughed and started walking again.

"Can i ditch with you?" he asked as he started walking beside me.

"sure if you want." I said going over to my car. We got in and I drove off to a near by coffee shop. We ordered coffee and a doughnut and took a seat over by the window. I barely touched my food or my drink I just stared out the window. Tomorrow would mark the two year anniversary of my parents death. No way I was going to school tomorrow. I felt Corbin put his hand over mine and looked over to him.

"Ally whats wrong?" he asked worry clear on his face

"Nothing" I lied

"Al your not just a horrible liar but your crying" He said softly

I sighed "Two years"


"Two years since their death tomorrow. I-I cant take it" I mumbled as the tears were seconds from spilling over. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the small shop. He drove me to my house and led the way inside before wrapping his strong arms around me.

"It'll be ok Al I promise.They wouldn't want to see you like this, I'll stay here with you tonight and tomorrow ok?" He whispered. I just nodded my head and cried into his shoulder. He scooped me up bridal style and brought me over to the couch. He just sat there and hugged me and I just sat there and cried for who knows how long. Corbin texted Zoe and she said she'd stay at Tylers so we could be alone which I was grateful for. I didn't want everyone to see me break down.

We went upstairs and laid down. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me next to him. I turned on my side as he laid on his back and cuddled with him. Soon after that I drifted off to sleep. I woke up in the morning with a jolt. I had that dream I've had countless time of the minutes before their death. Corbin shot up as well and wrapped me in another hug.

"Can we go to the cemetery?" I asked him after he released me.

"Anywhere you want angel" He said getting up and putting his shirt on. I got changed and then we left.

About 15 minutes later we arrived. I slowly opened the door and walked over to my parents grave.

'here lies Jane and Sam Martin beloved husband and wife, proud parents, wonderful people.'

I meticulously read each word engraving them into my brain. Leaning down and placing a single white rose on their grave I spoke barely above a whisper

"Mom,Dad just wanted to say I love you and miss you so much. There are so many days I wished I was with you but I know you would want me to stay strong and live life. Thats why Im still here I suppose. Im going to go to college and someday I'll get married and tell your grand-kids how amazing you were. I will never forget you. I love you."

I said all of that fighting for the tears not to spill but after the last sentence it was no use. They just fell and fell. Corbin leaned down and just hugged me. It started to rain a few minutes later. We didn't care we just sat there until no more tears could fall. He helped me up and we silently drove back to my house. We were both completely soaked so we went upstairs and changed. I gave him some of Ty's clothes to borrow that he leaves here. I took a hot shower,changed,then went in my room and sat on my bed to wait for him to get out of the shower. He came out a few moments later and sat beside me before taking my hand into his. The gesture was simple but I knew he would always be there for me if I needed him. And I would be there for him too. I don't know how I got so lucky to be with my best friend. Call it cliche but it's true. He makes me whole and with out him there wouldn't be a complete me.


*****CORBINS POV*****

I took a shower and changed into the clothes Ally gave me then went into her room. She was sitting on her bed so I went over and sat next to her. I grabbed her hand reassuring her I was there for her. She was so strong but I knew she needed me or at least hoped. I prayed she needed me half as much as I needed her because without her Im not me. Without her I wouldn't be whole. God I sound like a priss. Im just gonna shut up now. Slowly I turned to look at her and gently put my other hand on her chin and turned her face so she was looking at me.

"If you need me I'm here I don't know what you did to me but I've never been happier in my life."I said. She didn't answer me with words, instead she slowly leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my lips. She leaned her forehead against mine "Thank you." She whispered. Her lips brushed mine causing me to shiver. She saw and... Wait is she... She smirked! "I'm rubbing off on you angel" I whispered causing her to chuckle her sweet breath fanned onto my lips and I couldn't hold back any longer. I kissed her. This kiss wasn't soft or sweet like the other one a moment ago. I surprised her at first but then I felt her smile and she kissed back. And just as it was getting good her phone rang. She pulled apart and I groaned earning an apologetic smile from Ally. It was Zoe saying she would be home soon. UGHHHHHHH TALK ABOUT BAD FREAKIN TIME!


Sorta short I know sorry! :( Also sorry i was super busy yesterday so here it is!!!! Btw don't know how much longer this story is going to last :( I hate to see it go soon BUT there WILL be a sequel! You'll just have to see! Don't worry theres still probably eight? chapters left give or take I'll let you know when the time comes!


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