Its life 10th chapter

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The party is in this chapter! Be prepared >;) PS. sorry it's so short 



"Holy crap..." Zoe said as we got out of my car and started walking into Kay's house. Neither of us has been here before and it's pretty big. Oh and completely packed plus we could here the music down the street.

"Hey guys!" Kay yelled as we walked in while waving us to go over. She was with Jenny, Sabrina, John (Jenny's bf) and Derek (Sabrina's bf).

"Hey!" Me and Zoe said to everyone  

"Sweet party but do you know where Ty is?" Zoe asked while looking around.

"Hey babe" Tyler whispered as he came up behind her and wrapped her in a backwards hug. They were so cute but the sight made my stomach clench from sadness.

"Hey umm Ally wanna dance?" A voice said behind me. I turned around and smiled. "I'd love to Luke lets go." Before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the dance floor. I didn't like him anymore then a friend he is cute and super sweet and caring but I didn't feel sparks.

"I know you don't like me in that way so why did you kiss me?" He asked bluntly. I just stared at him and then looked down at my feet.

"I'm really sorry about that. I guess it was payback and I'm really sorry." He grabbed my chin lightly and forced me to look him in the eye.

"It's ok I know how you feel with the whole Corbin thing."

"How?" I asked genuinely wondering

"Your gonna think I'm crazy but I like Casey and he knows but doesn't care. He's only doing it to get you jealous. I know she's a bad person but on the inside she is the same fun,loving Casey that you were friends with." He said all in one breath.

"Your right and I know that but it's probably too deep down to get to."

"No I believe I can get to it if Corbin would just let me try. I've always liked her and he never cared."

I was about to answer back when I was cut off. "You like m-me?" Casey asked from our left

"Y-ya I umm always have..." He answered shyly. Before she could say anything I pulled her to the side.

"Look Casey I know we aren't friends and I don't want to be so I'm not trying to help you I'm trying to help him. Don't screw this up and don't play him. Luke is a great guy and he truly likes you, the real you not the slutty version. He doesn't want to use you like the rest so don't use him." I was about to walk off when Casey stopped me.

"Your right... Thank you and I am really sorry for everything I did I want you to know corbin likes you not me. He just broke up with me. But thank you so much and I really am sorry." With that she walked off to Luke leaving me stunned. Casey never said sorry before it just wasn't in her vocabulary.

I went over to the small bar looking for my friends but couldn't find them. The bartender said they all went upstairs to play spin the bottle. I walked up the stairs and holy cow they had a lot of rooms. I was about to open one of them when someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth before pulling me into an empty room.

He turned me around and I tried to scream but couldn't with his hand over my mouth. He pushed me against the wall and whispered "now where were we?" Before leaning in and kissing me. He had my while body pressed against the wall and I couldn't move my legs or arms. He was holding my arms above my head. Being in this situation I did the only thing I could do.

I bit Mikes bottom lip. Hard. 

"Ow what the hell!" He yelled before slapping me then punching me in the stomach. I fell to the ground and screamed as loud as I could while tears started running down my face.

"Shut up!" He hissed before grabbing my hair and banging my head against the wall causing me to cry out in pain. 

All of a sudden the door burst open and Mike was thrown away from me. I couldn't see who my savior was there were black dots eating my vision and I felt hot liquid in the back of my head.

I heard a few punches being thrown and then I was being carried and put into a car. I heard my friends yelling to me but couldn't make out words. Then everything went dark.

The next thing I know I wake up to the sound of beeping, I open my eyes and see white everywhere. So I was in a hospital.

"Ally! Oh thank god are you ok?" Zoe asked from beside me. I looked around at everyone. All the girls were there. "Y-ya I'm fine. Who saved me?"

They were all silent for a moment before Jenny spoke up 

"Corbin did..." 'Again' I thought. 

"Where is he?"

"Right here" he said coming into the room followed by a doctor.

"Guys why don't we go get some coffee?" Sabrina asked the girls before she winked at me. The all got up and left leaving the doctor, Corbin and I. The doctor checked a few things then left too.

"Thank you" I whispered while staring out the window. He came and sat down on the chair next to me. He grabbed my hand causing me to look at him. I was shocked at what I saw and not as shocked from the bruises all over his face but shocked to see tears in his eyes.

"I didn't think you were going to be okay you were out for about a day." He said as a few tears slid down his cheek. 

"I'm fine it's ok" I said while using my other hand to wipe his face.  

"We need to talk" he said

"Not now just come here." I said scooting over and patting beside me 

"I don't want to hurt you" he responded

"You won't just come here please" he got up and gently laid down he turned his head to look at me and smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes. I re-intertwined our hands and stared up at the ceiling. We stayed like that for so long and before I knew it I was being discharged. I got home took a shower and went to bed. My head was un-bandaged now and I felt a lot better. The only thing that still hurt was my slight headache and bruise on my stomach but I knew it would be fine. 


So that was mikes reappearance! And what about Corbin and Ally???  

~Bri :):):):):):))))))

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