Its life 30th chapter (Epilogue)

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I don't wanna write a huge A/N on the top so please read it at the end :) ALSO LISTEN TO SONG ON THE SIDE IT DEFINITELY FITS!




After High school graduation I was excepted into a really good college. Zoe moved in with Tyler and Corbin ended up moving in to the apartment with me, until last year...


"You may now kiss the bride." Those five words changed my life forever, I was no longer Ally Martin, a teenager who lost her parents too soon and grew up too fast. I was Mrs. Ally Greene, a woman with an amazing husband and loyal friends who stuck by me no matter what. Zoe was my maid of honor and Sabrina, Jenny, and Kay were my bridesmaids. Luke was Corbin's best man, we ended up working everything out and believe it or not last year him and Cassie got married. Tyler walked me down the isle, he was like the older brother I never had. Everything was finally going perfect and nothing was here to ruin it. This was the happiest day of my life, or so I thought.


Three months later I was sprinting down the stairs of the apartment and raced into the living room were my husband was. He looked away from the football game out of surprise and saw how nervous I was, I spent half an hour in the bathroom pacing trying to figure out the best way to tell him.

"Babe, whats wrong?" He asked worriedly, standing up and taking two long strides before he was standing in front of my shaking form.

I looked up to his face and flashed a sheepish smile, "I-I'm pregnant!" I whispered. His jaw went slack and his mouth fell open before a huge grin took over it's place. He gingerly picked me up and spun me around before bending down and lifting up my shirt and kissing my stomach.

"This is amazing! Imagine a little you running around!" He said exitedly.

I laughed, " A little me?" Don't you mean a little you?" we ended up fighting about it being a boy or a girl for a while but nine months later proved I was right, It was a little boy, Jason Blake Greene. Corbin's mom loved the name Jay so we made it Jason and Mr. Greene's name was Blake.

I didn't have long to brag though because almost two years later, I was giving birth to a little girl, Samantha, after my dad Sam and her middle name was Jane after my mom. Samantha Jane Greene. She was beautiful.

The days I gave birth were painful, but they were the best of my life. and Corbin's.


"Mommy, Mommy! Jay-Jay stole my dolly!" My daughter yelled, jumping onto the bed and waking us up.

"Did not!" Jason complained, also jumping on the bed. I sighed this was my life but I loved it and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

It's happy, sad, funny and just plain miserable. It's easy then in a blink of an eye, tough, it's crazy... It's life.



OH EM GEE! Can't belive this is it! The last chapter! It's over it's soo sad:( but I'm excited for the new story as I actually have a plot for the new one. This was my first story and to be honest I just winged it. Thank you so much for sticking with this story and following Ally through her roller coaster that was her life. I know the begining was pretty sucky but I feel it got a lot better. Most of my readers are silent which I don't mind but to everyone who told me it was good and that followed or voted THANK YOU SO MUCH! To whoever is reading this, I dedicate it to you, all of you. With out you this would just be a ghost of a story that would probably never end up finished. You guys gave me hope for this story and inspiration to complete it. I know this is late but I really didn't want to changed that button to 'completed' I LOVE YOU ALL! And please comment or p/m me if you have a story I would really like to read it! Any suggestions for the sequel title?? It will be based off of Samantha and lets just say you haven't seen the last of these characters, ecspecially some who you barely know... HINT HINT!

Anyway thank you so much!



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