Its life 16th chapter

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I woke up to the smell of food YUMMY! I jumped off of... the couch? Oh ya I passed out last night watching movies with Corbin. The thought made me blush but either way i ran towards the kitchen. I was about to turn stealth and sneak up on him. about but I couldnt stop fast enough and ran into a wall. I fell back on my butt cussing.

Laughing Corbin came out and walked over to me "What the hell did you do?!?"

keeping a straight face I said in a very serious tone "The wall needed a hug"

he quirked an eyebrow at me while laughing then asked "Then what are you doing on the floor?

With the same expression and voice I answered "I attacked it"

"Backwards?" he asked

"Im freaking talented" I said while standing up as he started doubling over from laughing.

I took this time to use his own remark against him. Yelling "GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN PEASANT!" and pushing him towards the entry. He scowled at me but walked in the kitchen and back over to the stove.

"I need to come over more often if your gonna make me food" I said while going over to the fridge and pouring two glasses of OJ then walking over to set the table. He came out with bacon and chocolate chip pancakes and set them on the table. We ate after I thanked him and I put the dishes in the dishwasher. Then I had a good idea. I went back over to where he was sitting at the table and took the syrup and whip-cream. I popped open the covers and sprayed them all over him. He swore and jumped out of his seat glaring at me he grabbed my wrist before I could run away and took them out of my hands before spraying them on me. I grabbed the butter from the table and wiped it all over his face. That's the moment his parents chose to get home and come in the kitchen.

"Hey kids did you have f--" His mom started but stopped in her tracks when she saw us.

"Honey why are you just standing there is something w-" his dad started laughing as soon as he saw us.

"Sorry" we mumbled in unison

"Go get cleaned up I'll take care of it"Mrs. Greene said sighing but as I walked out she high fived me "Good job sweety"  she said  giggling

"MOM!" Corbin gasped "Your supposed to be on my side!" he huffed as he followed me upstairs towards his room. He grabbed some clothes and went in his en suite as Mrs. G came in.

"Here you can wear these they should fit." she said handing me a pair of her sweat pants and a tank top.

"Thanks" I said smiling while going to their guest bathroom. I jumped in the shower and scrubbed off all of the disgusting syrup and whip cream. I quickly washed my hair free of them and jumped out. I dried off with the towel that Mrs. G gave me with the clothes before slipping them on. The pants were a little big so I tied them but other than that they fit fine. The shirt fit perfectly so I just brushed out my hair and threw it into a messy bun before stepping out of the bathroom and going into his room. I sat on his bed and waited for him to come out. He stepped into his room from his en suite in only a towel. I watched a water droplet fall from his hair down his perfectly tanned chest and beautiful six pack then slide under his towel. 'lucky water droplet' the voice in the back of my head said. Realizing I was staring I blushed and looked away but I couldnt help but catch the smirk that played on his face.

"I know it was quite a lucky drop of water" he said laughing. I looked up at him mouth agape

"You said it out loud darling" He chuckled I groaned then blushed and dropped my head into a pillow on his bed. He changed into boxers and put on some jeans while I wasn't looking then came over and grabbed my chin lightly forcing me to look at him instead of burying my face in the pillow. "You could be that water droplet angel" He whispered huskily causing a shiver to go down my spine.

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