It's life 11th chapter

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Very important message! I went back and put in pictures for the characters listed as followed: "its life filler" has Ally, first chapter has Zoe, 2cd has Corbin, 3rd has Casey, 4th has Kaylee,5th has Ty,  6th has jenny, 7th has sabrina, 8th is Luke, No one on 9th, 10th has Mike!!!  let me know if you want pics of Sabs bf Derek and Jennys bf John


I basically stayed in bed for the whole day on Sunday the girls came over and we watched a movie thats about it. so here it is Monday and I just got done showering and brushing my hair. Now Im picking out clothes. In the end i just picked out some ripped jeans, a plain shirt and an oversized sweatshirt. I was to lazy to care about looks today. i put my hair in a messy bun and put on some mascara. I grabbed my converse then went down stairs.

" Hey Ally feeling better?" Ty asked as i came down stairs.

"Much thanks! Now get out so i dont have to watch you sucking off my best friends face!" They both burst into laughter but i tried my best to keep a serious face " Im serious leave now or else!" i said picking up my spoon from my cerial and holding it like a knife. We all laughed but Ty slowly walked away then grabbed Zoes arm and bolted out the door. I grabbed my bag then left in my car after i finished eating.


"Hey Ally!" Casey called me over when i walked into the lunch room. I warily walked over. "Uh hey Casey whats up?" then i saw her holding hands with Luke and she wasnt dressed slutty this made me smile. "I wanted to thank you for what you said you helped me relize there are people out there who actually like me for me and not who or what i look like. Im sorry for the things i did to you I know your never going to trust me fully but do you think we could start over?"

I thought about it for a second but didnt hesitate long before saying " I would love that but your right it is going to take time but yeah starting over sounds good" her face instanly brightened and she looked relieved

"Well then, Hello I'm Casey French!" she said sticking her other hand out

"Hey Casey I'm Ally Martin" With a hand shake and a smile i said bye goodbyes and walked over to my friends.

"What was that about?" Jenny asked looking over to Casey. " We're starting over lets just say i gave her a pep talk and now she is changing for the better." she looked shocked but didnt say anything else. I looked around the table everyone was here, Sabby,Kay,Jenny,Zoe,Derek,John, and Ty but no Corbin.

"Hey wheres Corbin?" i wondered out loud.

"I dont know I saw him out by his locker before i came here." Sabrina answered.

"K im going to go look for him" i said while standing up and walking out of the lunch room. i walked around a corner to get to the lockers and ran into some one. again.

"Sor--" i began but stopped when i saw who it was.

"Hey i just came to look for you!" i exclaimed smiling

"cool." he said nonchalantly with a straight face before trying to walk around me. My smile immediatley dropped at his behavior.

"What's wrong with you now!" i called angrily after him. he stopped and turned around. "What do you mean 'now'?" he replied just as angrily as he walked back towards me.

"We have been friends forever and now your acting like you dont know me! You kiss me then go to Casey and tell me to get lost! You save me from being raped and tell me you were scared for me, hold my hand and tell 'we need to talk' about something i dont even know about then the next day you pretend you dont even know me!" i exclaimed feeling the anger start to boil even worse.

His face softened as he saw my anger turn to sadness and tears started forming in my eyes. But he didnt say anything. "Whatever" I said angrily before turning on my heal and going to the bathroom. Or at least attempted beacuse his next words stopped me dead in my tracks. "remember that night where i said i might be falling for you?" he said i turned around "Y-ya?" i asked hopefully. He might feel the same way as me! I thought in my head.

"Well it was a lie everything i said to you was a lie i dont care about you and im not there for you. Got it? Im a player and your dumb" his words cut me like a knife i just stood there staring at him. I felt dead i couldnt move i couldnt think. Then i felt an unbearable pain in the left side of my chest. My heart was officially broken. Then i remembered something from our childhood. When we promised not to lie to each other and we found out how to tell if the other one was lying. i slowly walked over to him and when we were about a foot away i stared into his eyes.

He looked pained and scared but determined yet nervous. I knew he was lying and he knew that i did. He tried walking away but i grabbed his arm and he stopped. "You know i know your lying so tell me why." i whispered but my voice still managed to crack at the end. He winced when he heard how weak and empty my voice sounded. he sighed and turned around.

"Im not good for you" he whispered as he turned around

"I cant function with out you Corbin so you are completely wrong. The truth is Im not good with out you because somewhere along the way i fell for you. You got me in your trap so congradulations for another victim." i said humorlessly 

"It wasnt a trap" was all he said before he grabbed my waist and kissed me. He kissed me so passionately that i thought i was going to faint. I felt the usual sparks that i feel whenever we touched but i welcomed them this time. The truth was I'm in love with Corbin Greene he might be a player that only plays with hearts but one thing is for sure. This heart is trapped.


D'AWWWWWWWWWW i need help anybody have some ideas of stuff that can happen?

~Bri :):):):)))))

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