Extra Chappy :)

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Hello everyone! God, writing for this again makes me so happy! I'm kinda lost though because the plot for this is so different from the sequel... Anyway, something we need to clear up;

Yes, this book is completed but it reached 11,000 reads and I felt you guys deserved this.

Enjoy! Ps, Thanks for giving me an opportunity to write for this again (even though its very short)



(Ally's POV)

I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains and smiled. It was a Saturday meaning no work and the kids were off at their Grandma's. Corbin's arms were wrapped around my stomach. I turned around and looked at his face. We've been married for about nine years but he was still as handsome as ever. His dark hair had spots of gray and he grew lines around his mouth from smiling. I placed my lips on his briefly and his eyes fluttered open. He gave me that adorable lopsided smile,

"Morning beautiful."

I grinned, "Morning."

"Let's go make breakfast." He said and kissed my nose before getting up. I followed him down the stairs of our ranch styled home.

"Pancakes and bacon?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. As he got the ingredients I opened the fridge and pulled out the whip cream. I internally laughed as I remembered us fighting with it when we were teenagers. I set the plates and silverware up on the table and walked back into the kitchen. I took the whip cream and shook it up then popped the top off. Tapping him on the shoulder I let out a chuckle and sprayed it all over his face. He looked at me in shock.

"You did not just do that." He muttered in disbelief before grabbing the pancake batter and dumping it over my head.

"Oh, it's so on." My mouth dropped open and I grabbed the milk and dumped it on him. He laughed and grabbed the maple syrup and did the same thing to me. I took the sprayer from the sink and doused him from head to toe in water.

He stood there, frozen in shock then smirked, "Gimme a hug sweetie."

I shook my head frantically and started sprinting away. I managed to get into the living room before he tackled me on the couch. I let out a surprised yelp and tried to push him off of me but it was no use.

"Say you love me and I'm the sexiest husband ever!" He yelled.

"You love me and I'm the sexiest husband ever!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and started laughing hysterically as he started tickling me.

"N-no stop! STAHHHHHP!" I begged as tears started forming at the corners of my eyes.

"That's not what I meant," he growled teasingly, "say it."

"I-" I was about to say the word 'it' but he fake glared at me.

"I love you Corbin Gertrude Green and you are the sexiest husband ever." I declared. I knew he hated his middle name but I had to throw it in there.

"Damn straight." He replied. I laughed and this time it wasn't from his ruthless attack on my sides. It was because these were the moments I lived for. The small details. We were still in love and I knew he was it for me. I've known that for awhile but it refreshing to know and to say that no matter what I know he'll be right there beside me. Forever and Always.


Yes, it's short but I'd like to thank all of you for the support on this book. This was my first book and I'm completely baffled it had such an amazing effect on me. Yes, it's cliche and corny and definitely not the best. I wouldn't say it's great but I'm proud of it. Thank you all so much for the whopping 11,000 reads!!! GAHHHHHH! I must leave now before I go into a huge rant!

Please check out the sequel called 'Falling In Love With The Unlovable (FILWTU) and maybe, just maybe, vote and (Dare I ask) follow? THANK YOUUUUUUU!


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