Chapter 1

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Second part, rewritten! >3< Let's do this!


     I gulp, looking up at the towering gates that separate the outside world from Alice Academy. I grasped my bag tighter, my heart pounding in my chest.

          What will the people here think of me?

     Hitoshi-sensei beckons me as the gates open slowly, a smile on his face. I bet my face was just full of weariness and fear right now. Right now, he  is leading me to the main building in this school to receive my uniform. I'm already signed up for this school.

     So. My 'Alice,' as they call it. What is it? I personally do not know yet, but that weird thing I saw at the park might be it.

          That's why I'm here now.

     As sensei and I stroll to the main building, he tells me some of the rules at Alice Academy. Students cannot leave the gates until they're graduated from high school. Any escapes result in severe punishment, which sends shivers down my spine. We also cannot have any physical contact with our family, just letters. There are also star rankings, which will determine your life here basically. Lowest number of stars gets the poorest room until they put effort into this school and get a higher ranking. Allowances depend on the star rank you are. Star rankings basically determine your room type, food choices, chores, and allowances. If you are 3 stars or higher, I think you're allowed to wear your own clothes. Dang.

     We entered the main building, and sensei gestured to the couches in the room.

"Sit down if you'd like," he said, "I'll go get your uniforms."

     I sat down on one of the cream colored couches with a clear coffee table in front of them. I rubbed my stomach, hungry, and reaching into my bag to retrive some food.

          I slapped a hand to my face.

    I had completely forgotten the food that my mom packed for me in the fridge. She'd probably open it now and be like, 'Wow, she forgot to take her food.'

          I sighed. I'm so stupid. Nobody's going to like me.

     Moments later, Hitoshi-sensei came out with my uniforns. "Here you go!" he said, showing me the clothing items. The fall, winter, and spring uniform are basically one — a white collared shirt with a blue bow in the front, topped off with a black blazer, where the edges are lined in blue. The one for summer is basically just the blazer taken off, but the school gives you an extra one anyways.

"Go change into your uniform," Hitoshi-sensei said, smiling. "We're going to meet your classmates."

     I was ushered into the changing room, and soon, I came out with my summer uniform.

"Gosh, you look so pretty!" Hitoshi-sensei squealed like a girl, giving me a hug. I tied my light brown hair up into a messy bun, and we went to our classes.

"By the way, I'm Hitoshi-sensei, your homeroom teacher, if you didn't know that by now," he smiled warmly at me. "And you are?"

"Aiko Natsumi. Age 13."

"Well then, Aiko, let's go meet your classmates!" he grinned, beckoning me to follow him.


     Hitoshi-sensei led me to a loud classroom, full of people in similar uniforms. They were throwing paper at each other, gossipping, or putting make-up on. Yaay.

     I quickly scanned the room. There were several rows of desks. There was also a chalkboard behind where the teacher stood, in the podium. The desks had little areas under the chair where books would be stored. The walls were basically naked, but I'm sure they'd have posters up when there's an event or something.

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