Chapter 10

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     I'd lost all warmth that was in my blankets before. Flipping around furiously didn't keep any of that heat, either.

     Even with a super thick blanket, I couldn't endure the cold. The freezing temperatures sent chills up my spine every time it met my skin.

A knock at the door interrupted my endless squirming. "Come in!" I said, trying to sound sleepy so the person would leave me alone.

To my surprise, Daichi came in. "Hey," he beamed at me.

"Ohaiyo," I greeted, sitting up on my bed. I shivered violently.

"Is it that cold in here?" Daichi asked, raising an eyebrow. He walked over to me and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Well, what do you think?" I said, my lips twitching into a smile.

     I slid my legs off the bed, planning to get up and change since I was already awake. I stood up and walked a few steps before getting pulled back into Daichi's lap.

Daichi wraps his arms around my waist, putting his head on my shoulder. "I'll keep you warm," he whispers.

A blush creeps up on my face. "Wh-What're you doing, Daichi-kun?" I look down at my hands, unable to look at Daichi in the face.

"I'm keeping you warm. You're cold, right?" he says, his hot breath fanning my neck. Shivers run down my spine.

     I continue blushing. But I do have to agree with Daichi — he is keeping me warm. It feels so.. so wrong to me, for some reason. To be sitting on Daichi, his arms wrapped around my waist, cuddling me. To be blushing at this, staying, and not moving one bit. Doesn't Daichi like Hana? How would Naoki feel about this..?

"D-Daichi.." I started, squirming a bit.

"Hm?" he says, voice low.

"I feel really weird like this.." I mumble, looking away. I tried to pry his arms off of my waist, but my efforts weren't doing any good.

"Naoki-kun won't know about this.." he says, kissing my neck a bit.

     Instinctively, my eyes widen and I  jump, slapping him in the face. He releases his grip from around my waist and puts a hand up to where I slapped him, wincing.

"Ouch. What was that for?" he asks, giving me puppy eyes.

"S-Sorry! I just.. felt weird sitting on you.." I mumbled, trailing off.

     A red mark soon appeared on Daichi's cheek. It was where I slapped him, and immediately, I repented slapping him. Did I slap him that hard?

     My door opened, and Naoki sauntered in casually, looking between me and Daichi. He raised an eyebrow at us.

"Yo," he stated simply.

     I glanced at Daichi, who was staring intently back at me. Then, I looked back at Naoki, a nervous expression plastered on my face.


Naoki noticed the red mark on Daichi's cheek. "What's going on here?" he inquires, narrowing his eyes at me.

     I was in shock. I couldn't utter any words. How am I supposed to explain the fact that his best friend was coming on to me and supposedly 'tried' to keep me warm?

Daichi sighed. "It's my fault."

"What happened?" Naoki asks.

Daichi stayed quiet. "I tried to be romantic and crap. I hugged her and might have said some, um, weird things. Yeah. She slapped me."

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