Chapter 18

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     The next morning, I woke up, an uneasy feeling settling in my gut. For some reason, I felt like something bad was going to happen to me, but I didn't know what. Perhaps I was just imagining it?

     I did my usual morning routine. For clothing, I threw on a simple gray crew-neck sweater and dark skinny jeans. For shoes, I slipped into my white Converse and tied the laces tightly. Slinging my back over my shoulder, I pulled my hair out from behind and combed through it with my fingers. I pinned my fringe back, and left the room, grabbing a banana-nut muffin from the dining room on my way to school.

     The walk to school was peaceful. There weren't kids scrambling to get to school since it wasn't all that late. It was calming to hear the cherry blossom trees rustle in the small wind.

     I finished my muffin right at the entrance of the school, and I threw the wrapper into the trash can. Taking out my bottle of water, I chugged down some water and put it back in my bag, heading to class.

     Taking my seat in class, I watched as everyone began to file in. Once all the students had settled down into the class, Hitoshi-sensei clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention.

"Everyone! Let me have your attention, please," Hitoshi-sensei shouted, and everyone quieted down. "We have a new transfer student from America today!"

A girl with deep brown hair and striking grey eyes walked out from behind Hitoshi-sensei, exposing herself to the class. "Hello! My name is Lynetta Rayne, and I come from America," she chirps, smiling an angelic smile at everyone in the class.

     She seemed really sweet. I looked around the classroom to see everyone else's reaction to her. About one-third of the guys were already smiling to themselves and blushing, while the girls admired her with wide eyes.

"I'm looking forward to spending the year with you! Please take care of me," Lynetta continued, bowing. She looked around the classroom to see if there was anyone to befriend at first sight, and when she laid her eyes upon Naoki, she threw a discreet wink which I just so happened to catch.

     The wink she threw at Naoki didn't bother me. However, when Naoki winked back, that was when my body started reacting in weird ways. I was shaking slightly, and my palms began to get kind of sweaty. I suddenly felt really cold, but I tried to ignore all the feelings, hoping to continue on with the class.

"Any questions?" Lynetta asks, looking awfully polite and sweet.

Several people raised their hands. "Why did you transfer in the middle of spring?" a student asks out of sheer curiosity.

"They got me, aha. My parents were smart enough to keep me for such a long time, but once they found me, I was forced to transfer, and my parents had to find a job here," she explains. "It's nice here though."

"What's your Alice?" another classmate questions. Lynette smiles sweetly and winks at that student. "It's for you to find out." The student who got winked at by Lynette soon turned beet red and blushed crazily. I raised an eyebrow. Pheromone Alice..?

     That day, Naoki didn't walk home with me. Naoki walked Lynetta to the dorms instead, and they just so happened to be walking right in front of me, so I saw everything. He had his arm linked around Lynetta's, and Lynetta was giggling like a lovesick schoolgirl, clinging to Naoki. I stared angrily at the floor, trying not to look at them and witness their public display of affection.

"Natsumi-chan~!" A cheery familiar voice called out, and my ears perked up, my mood brightening.

     I turned around just in time to meet Daichi's chest as he hugged me tightly. A crimson color grew on my cheeks and ears, and I buried my face in Daichi's chest, too embarrassed to show my face. Daichi chuckled, and I could feel the vibrations of his laugh as I continued to hug him.

Alice Academy (Rewritten.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt