Chapter 19

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     Lynetta has been in Alice Academy for about two weeks now.

     Which basically means I've been wallowing is depression for about two weeks.

     Why was she still here? Well, she probably has an Alice, but it seems like nobody knows of her Alice. I mean, why else would she still be enrolled here? If her dad were on a business trip, and she were a regular child, she would have been enrolled in a public school, not something special like Alice Academy.

     Which makes me wonder what her Alice is. I'm not sure many students know of it. However, I am pretty sure that Hitoshi-sensei knows what her Alice is.

     For the past two weeks, I just seemed like a regular person. My style has changed — I wear the simple Alice Academy uniform they provide us with when we first enter the school. I hung out with nobody other than Daichi, and Daichi was just the sweetest guy ever. He would comfort me at bad times and try to make me laugh, which honestly makes me feel loved. He'd be the only one there willing to accompany me and listen to my stupid rants and constant crying. Despite his efforts to try and cheer me up, I think I've convinced myself that I've lost my smile and laugh.

          Is that even possible?

     Well, it seems like I'm an example of that case. Sure, you could say that it's just stupid, juvenile love, but to me, it's not like that. I honestly love Naoki, although I don't like admitting it, but at the same time, ever since I've been depressed, feelings for Daichi have grown too..

     I sat on my bed, staring at the pencil case Naoki had got me when we went to Central Town together. Gritting my teeth, I threw it on the ground and kicked it under my bed. I never want to see that thing again. It'll just ignite bad memories, and I've suffered enough. It seems Naoki has moved on as well, so I might as well just get rid of the idiotic gift.

     During the past two weeks, Peanut and I have also bonded a lot. He would always sense my sadness and come to life, nuzzling me with the bright orange beak of his. I'm really glad for such a cute pet like him. We've both grown fond of each other, and Peanut seems to be perfectly fine without swimming for a long period of time.

     Along with the relationship bonding with Peanut, there have also been tests in school. I've aced all of them despite my current condition, but it doesn't make me feel any better about myself. It just causes all the other students to envy me and the teachers to adulate me. The only thing that would truly make me happy was to have Naoki by my side again. Even if it were just for a millisecond.. it would make me happy.

          But that seems highly impossible.

     I woke up exceptionally early in the morning, taking my time when eating breakfast. I was dressed in the uniform assigned to us when we first entered Alice Academy. I had barely worn it; there weren't any wrinkles on the fabric. It was a white collared blouse along with a red tie. The red tie had to be paired with a red skirt. I slipped into a pair of black Vans and combed my hair, tying my hair into a high ponytail. Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I left my room, heading to school.

     Why was I going to school so early? To discuss certain matters with Hitoshi-sensei, of course. He's always there bright and early, unless he was up all night watching some kind of drama or soap opera.

     As I entered the classroom, I found Hitoshi-sensei taking his time cleaning the blackboard. I waited until he noticed me, which actually took a while. Sensei seemed really engrossed with making sure that the blackboard was spotless.

     When he finally noticed me, his eyes brightened up and glistened. I couldn't help but laugh at how long it took for him to notice me and how childish his face looked when he saw me.

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