Chapter 3

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     The next morning, the dormitory manager came into my room with a loud slam. I sat up groggily, rubbing my eyes as I was disturbed from my peaceful hibernation.

"What's going on?" I mutter, my eyelids closing due to my exhaustion, yawning.

"Doing laundry; sorry for the noise," she says.

"It's fine."

     Today was saturday. I changed into a tight but simple blush v-neck t-shirt and dark floral-printed shorts. I gave her my uniform and pajamas for her to wash. Hopefully, she won't give them to the wrong person. "So, how do I get my stars on my uniform?"

"Once washed, I'll sew it on for you."

"Oh, thank you!"

"Your welcome."

     Like that, she left. I noticed something on my working table, and I went over to see what it was. It was my allowance, apparently:

Here's your monthly allowance, just in case you wanted to go shopping. Have fun in Alice Academy, Aiko-chan!

- Hitoshi-sensei

     My room was on the bottom floor; room number 17. Like that, I just went outside and found Daichi's room. I honestly had nothing to do, so, yeah.

Knock knock.

"Oh, come in!" Daichi's familiar voice rang for approval of entrance.

          I opened the door just in time to see Daichi taking off his shirt, his jeans already on.

"Holy mother of—" I said before Daichi noticed it was me. My cheeks were painted crimson as I turned around to mask my eyes. I was not expecting that.

"N-Natsumi-chan!" he exclaims, stuttering nervously. "Crap, I thought you were Naoki-kun."

          Silence lapsed upon us, and I stood there quietly.

"You can look now."

     I turn to see Daichi fully dressed, a smirk plastered on his face. Did he think I enjoyed that or something? I don't think my eyes can take such cute boys half naked. Gosh.

     Daichi came up to me, and backed me up towards the door. My back soon pressed against it, and Daichi's arms blocked both sides.

In a low voice, he whispers, "Did you enjoy that?" His face leans closer to me.

"Enjoy what?" I say, completely calm.

"This." He lifts up his shirt a little to reveal his stomach.

     I poked both of Daichi's sides, causing him to flinch and start laughing. So he's ticklish, huh? I began poking him until he was on the ground and out of breath, laughing endlessly. An evil grin was on my face.

"What was that for?" Daichi says, still out of breath.

"What was that creepy pedophile mode for?" I retort.

"Because.. because.." Daichi looks away, "Hana-chan doesn't like me, and.. I've liked her for a long time.." he says sadly, his puppy eyes coming on.

"Aw," I say, feeling sympathetic for him. I gave him a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding him tight. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"You want to join Naoki-kun and I in shopping?" Daichi asks.

"Sure," I smiled up at him, noticing a light blush tinting his cheeks.

"I'm going to get some money first, so go get Naoki-kun," he says, "his room is on the left once you leave the door."

     I nodded and went out the door, turning left. Without knocking, I opened the door to see Makoto taking his pajama shirt off.

"Freaking—" I said, but Makoto swiftly pulled me into his room and closed the door, grabbing my wrist. He pulled me close to him and leaned in.

"Ever heard of knocking?" he whispers huskily. I couldn't help but blush at the close proximity. I could feel my heart pounding quickly in my chest. Him being shirtless wasn't making it any better, either.

          I wonder why I didn't feel like this when Daichi literally just did something similar a few minutes earlier.

      He threw me onto his bed, and as I opened my mouth to scream, Makoto covered my mouth with his hand. I licked his hand in attempt to get it off my mouth, but instead, Makoto took his hand off my mouth, licked the area that I licked, and covered my mouth with it.

          Gosh, did he seriously just indirectly kiss me like that?

     Makoto got on his hands and knees above me, then he began leaning closer to me. I began blushing like crazy, and eyes widened as his lips neared mine. Not one word escaped my lips. My heart sped as I could feel his hot breath against my lips.

     I shut my eyes tightly, hoping that my heart rate would slow down. I felt his lips softly brush against mine, causing my heart to seriously just run a marathon in my chest.

     And that was when the door flung open to reveal Daichi. Oh, how my knight in shining armor arrives.

He took in the scene. "Oh, um, if I'm interrupting, I'll, um, just be leaving now.."

"It's not like that!" I say, my voice all high. A prominent blush was on my face.

Makoto got off of me. He muttered a low, "Tch." Thank god that was over.

"Are you okay, Natsumi-chan?" Daichi aks.

"Y-yeah," I mutter, still flustered from the scene.

Makoto looks at me and smirks. "You blush way too easily."

"So are we going to Central Town or what?" I say, still excited about the trip.

Makoto groaned loudly. "Daichi, why did you invite her?"

"Naoki-kun!" Daichi hissed, glaring at him. "Be nicer!"

     Makoto muttered something incoherent — probably cursing — and walked out of the door. I stuck my tongue out at him, and as if he had eyes on the back of his head, he turned to be and glared.

          Central Town, here we come!


 So. Rewriting this series. c: Hope you guys like it! I just had to insert two, um, romantic (?) scenes with Natsumi. I just had to. <3

Alice Academy (Rewritten.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora