Chapter 9

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     I rolled around softly in the bed, still tired and not wanting to get up. It was cold, and all I wanted to do was snuggle in the bed. It was surprisingly soft and awfully warm.

"Morning, princess," a voice says sleepily, causing my eyes to crack open a little.

     My eyes wouldn't open, so I just closed them. The voice sounded really sweet and dreamy. I smiled to myself, thinking about the voice. It just sounded so.. charming.

"Gosh, you're so cute," the same voice says. Warm air was blown into my face, and I closed my eyes tightly, trying to block it out.

     The same person, I assume, laughs, and gives me a kiss on the forehead. I finally opened my eyes to see Naoki watching me as I slept. He had bed hair, which made him look absolutely adorable, and he leaned on his arm that was bent over the pillow. He looked so dreamy and handsome with his tousled dark brown hair and deep chocolate brown eyes that bore into my own eyes.

     I felt my face warm up. What the hell, Natsumi? Did I really just think that while looking at Naoki? No, no, no. Bad Natsumi. I mentally slapped myself for thinking of Naoki like that. Of all people, why Naoki? God, snap out of it, Aiko!

     Naoki wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him. My head was pressed against his chest, and I could feel his heart beating. My face reddened even more, causing Naoki to laugh, the sound resonating from his chest.

"Stay put. I know it's cold," he says, keeping one arm around my waist and using the other to cover the two of us with blankets.

     Behind Naoki was a big window, and I could make out small white specks that floated gently to the ground. The campus was covered with a fairly thick blanket of snow. No wonder it's so chilly today. Good thing we have heaters and a guy's body heat!

     It was my first snowfall in Alice Academy! Plus, it was the weekend. Who wouldn't want to go out and play? I wanted to get out of bed, but Naoki kept me in place, and I couldn't make him budge.

"You're not going outside to play," he says, keeping me close to him. I somehow just realized the close proximity. My breath quickened, and my heart raced, pumping blood to my face.

"Wh-why not?" I stutter.

"The teachers won't let us. They already announced it. Plus, it's too cold outside, and you get sick easily. You're staying with me," he declares, pulling me even closer to him. I was being nearly suffocated.

     I couldn't help but smile. Naoki really cared about me, didn't he? I sighed to myself, giving in. I guess I'll just oblige and sleep in for a little bit more.

     Within minutes, I drifted off to sleep, but I had a terrible nightmare. It wasn't reality, that's for sure. I was in a wide open plain, free of houses and trees. It was just tall, green grass and warm wind. Naoki, Daichi, and I were both playing in the fields, laughing. Naoki and Daichi's laugh seemed normal, but their laughter wouldn't stop, and soon, the entire field was burning. Naoki had scorched a huge circle around me. It blazed with hot flames, and I couldn't say anything. I couldn't find my voice. I had nowhere to run. I looked at Daichi who mouthed, 'Sorry.' After that, Daichi and Naoki just disintegrated, leaving me there to burn. My body was numb. I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't breathe, but yet, I couldn't feel pain. I was sputtering, and the fires took over me. My vision was blurry, and all I could see were various shades of red and orange.

     I woke up, my face trailed with tears. There were tear stains, and I was gripping Naoki's shirt awfully tight. My throat felt hoarse and dry. Obviously, I had been screaming. He looked at me with worried eyes.

Alice Academy (Rewritten.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon