Chapter 15

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     I didn't do anything. I simply turned my position, ignoring whatever was making physical contact with my forehead.


      I groaned, reaching a hand out to slap the person away. Using my blankets, I snuggled myself into it like a cocoon.

          Flick flick.

     Snickering followed as I closed my eyes tightly shut, trying my best to ignore whatever was attempting to disrupt my morning sleep. When the obvious laughing didn't stop, I sat up, opening my eyes to see the annoyance that continued to bother me.


     He had his back on the floor, an arm over his stomach. His mouth opened and closed as he gasped for air, laughing like a dying pig. He took sharp inhalations during his laugh, adding extra oddity to it.

     I heavily blew my fringe out of my face, causing it to simply fall back onto my face. I glared at Naoki for a nanosecond.

Almost immediately, I plastered on a sweet, angelic smile. "What are you doing here, Naoki-kun?" Despite my facial expression and tone of voice, Naoki could tell that I was mad and desperately trying to hide it.

He stopped laughing for a moment and threw his trademark smirk. "Call me weird, but I thought that you looked really cute when you were asleep."

Consequently, a blush rose to my face, and I had no control of it. "And, you're cute when you're mad, too," he added.

I ran my hand through my hair, sighing. "To think I was going to sleep in today.." I whined.

"Oh. If you really wanted to sleep in, you should've just told me," Naoki said, blinking, getting up to leave.

"No!" I blurted, scrambling off the bed to grab his hand. I grabbed onto one of his hands tightly with both of my hands, urging him to stay. "St-stay.." I mumbled, adverting my gaze from him.

     He raised an eyebrow at my sudden reaction to his departure. Naoki responded by grabbing onto my hand tightly, a smile growing on his face.

"Okay, fine. I'll stay," Naoki said, grabbing onto one of my wrists and pulling me close to him. He caught me smoothly and wrapped his arms around me. My heart pounded in my chest, and I could hear it in my ears.

After a few moments of embrace, Naoki pulled away. "How about you get dressed, and we'll go out, okay?"

I nodded like an excited five-year-old who had just gotten a Barbie doll. "Yes!" I grinned widely.

     I squealed internally. We're going out! Yay! I need to soak up some vitamin D, aha. Wait, wait. "We're" going out. Is that considered a date? I shook my head, brushing that thought out of my mind. Why would I think like that in the first place?

"First, get out," I demanded, pointing to the door.

"What? Why can't I watch you change?" Naoki whined, his lower lip quivering.

"N-Naoki! J-just get out!" I said, blushing. Using all my force, I managed to push him out the door. "I'll come out when I'm done!" I told him, and then I shut the door on him.

     I sighed, grinning ecstatically to myself. I looked through my dresser to find that I had rummaged through everything and that it was completely unorganized. For now, I disregarded the messiness and quickly chose an outfit.

     Although it was spring, it was still relatively chilly, so I went for my soft, chunky maroon knit sweater and heather grey leggings. For shoes, I decided to slip on my chestnut brown combat boots. I tied the laces, and I got my small, dark brown bag, in which I stuffed my wallet and necessities inside. I brushed through my hair and brought it all to the front.

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