Chapter 4

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It is dinnertime. Jesus comes back to his humble dwelling to greet his family. "Shalom," he says.

They all—Mary, the sons of Joseph, and his sisters—echo, "Shalom, Jesus." Then Mary adds, "How was it there at the carpenter hut?"

"Oh, it wasn't bad," responds Jesus. "It's the usual."

"And by the way," discloses Mary, "your sisters and I wove you a new tunic. Would you want to see it?"

"A new tunic?" Now Jesus thinks, A new tunic for my ministry, how nice. Then says Jesus, "Mary. What good timing. Okay, let me see it."

So Mary gets out from a chest in the room a light-blue tunic, unfolding it to its complete length.

It is just the right size. And that is the point. Then she hands it over to Jesus. "Here it is. Made with love."

Jesus takes it from her hands and puts it over his back. He gets his arms through the armholes at the light-blue tunic. It is just right. And it looks nice on his regular close-to-white garment. Absolute white is a color of royalty. For being not royalty, Jesus had never an absolute white garment.

"Do you see?" asks Mary.

"Thank you," says Jesus.

"Good. It's time to eat. Come along, children."


During the meal (nothing more than dried figs and dates, unleavened bread, and some other fruits) and everyone reclining on a table the sons of Joseph have made, Jesus turns to Mary. He says, "Also, dear woman, have you heard that my cousin is already preparing the way?"

"The way?" exclaims James. "Oh, so you have got to be kidding?" There is a prophecy of Malachi that says a prophet would prepare the way for the coming of the Lord Yahweh. James cannot believe Jesus is this Lord.

"No, James. He is," testifies Jesus. "He is preaching now, somewhere in the Jordan River. I spoke with the others in the town. They also want to see John."

Mary nodded, understanding what Jesus meant by this. His time has come. Mary had treasured all the evidence concerning Jesus. She had seen a vision of an angel concerning Jesus before her mysterious pregnancy. Her cousin Elizabeth testified about the soon-to-come child of Mary.

Shepherds came to their residence when she and Joseph were at Bethlehem, right the night Jesus was born. At the Temple at Jerusalem, two total strangers called the child out as the Chosen One. Both gave prophecies concerning Jesus.

The old man had said, "This child is appointed to be the cause of the fall and rise of many in Israel and to be a sign much spoken against, and so the thoughts in many minds will be disclosed. Yes, the sword will pierce your own heart, Mary."

The old woman had said, "May God be praised for this Redeemer. He will deliver Israel from the false and turn those who are sincere to the truth."

And to add this to the rest, wise men came to lavish gifts on Jesus.

"Mary, my time, it has come," says Jesus.

" 'My time'! What do you mean by that?" retorts James.

"My vocation."

"Your vocation is being a carpenter," coins in Simon of Nazareth.

"No, not really," says Jesus.

Joseph Jr isn't so sure. "Yeah, it is. You're good at carpentry. Better than us, admittedly."

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