Chapter 14: The Vampire's Happy Halloween

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An outside location within the human world themed how humans perceived Halloween. Noise escalated throughout the area as it was robust with many children and their parents. Several were already dressed in their costumes. There were many pumpkins, fairies, werewolves, and outfits I couldn't recognize.

The location I've traveled to was a request given by Abbey and Sharon whose school was hosting an event for Halloween day. Thus, they invited me to participate, given my lack of experience in their society.

"It's noisy milady," remarked a voice following me.

I grasped the voice's hand, looking up to find Miranda's smile. "Yeah, there sure are quite a lot of people gathered."

Given my previous excursions out in the human world, I figured an adventure such as this one would require an assistant. My parents would be busy for the day. Thus, I had asked Miranda some time ago if she would go with me. With Miranda's consent, I gave my parents a smile as they allowed my travel.

"Viki!" shouted a cheerful voice. The voice's source ran up to us. I could see a grin from ear to ear as Abbey ran up and gave me a hug. "I'm so happy you could come!"

"Teehee, I am too!" I replied with a giggle.

"I see you have Miranda with you," Sharon mentioned walking behind Abbey.

"So that's your sis?" Lana followed alongside.

"Yes, I'm Miranda," Miranda gave a quick curtsy. "Though I believe proper introductions shall be done soon."

"Ah, these are the two I was talking about," sounded a familiar voice. Walking behind the young girls was an older woman—one of which was Amelia. The two other women had a resemblance to their child. Hence, they had to be their mother. Sharon's mother also had dark hair, though soft brown eyes. Lana's mother shared a similar blonde tone and gentle green eyes.

"You're right, Am," voiced Sharon's mother. "The two do appear well behaved. What school do you go to, Viki?" Her smile caught me off guard as it didn't share a sense of shyness Sharon would.

"Um, I'm homeschooled."

"Wow," the mothers looked awestricken.

"I'm Carol," announced Sharon's mother. "I'm Sharon's mother if you couldn't tell, haha."

"Mom, not in front of my friends!" Sharon blushed.

"I'm only giving them a proper greeting. It's too bad your other siblings were too busy to join us."

Lana's mother ignored the parent-child discussion focusing her gaze on me. "I'm Lana's mother, and I have to thank you for being her friend! I've been really worried ever since I had to find a new job and Lana didn't seem to make any friends. Oh, I forgot to give my name; I'm Cassie." Cassie, Lana's mother, approached her daughter holding her waist and leaning towards her ear. "Sweetie," she whispered. "Do you need a change?"

"No!" Lana blushed out loud. However, realizing she stated out loud caused her to turn red.

Miranda began smirking towards me. Thus, I gave a worried expression and a blush as I shook my head. No, Miranda, I don't need one either! However, it reminded me that the current diaper I wore was a new type.


With my morning routine accomplished, I was ready for my fresh diaper. Given I hadn't seen Miranda within the morning, I had to take the initiative to send for her. However, the other maids had not seen her despite my clothes being dropped off by her.

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