ー🚢Day 196

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March 3, 2022
10:39 pm

Dear Reader,

So from 8 am to 7 pm, I was on my laptop doing assignments and I managed to finish everything except 2

A recording and a quiz that'll open tomorrow, so I can't really do much about it

Also, our 5 kittens are pretty much wanting to venture around the house now but its too dangerous since there are some of us who wakes up in the middle of the night and might accidentally step on them

They are only 3 weeks old and we don't wanna risk it so we tried finding a way to barricade their little home that's literally a box but they can still find a way to go out the box so we just let them be and had the lights opened from where their box is placed

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:43 pm

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