ー🚍Day 230

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April 6, 2020
10:47 pm

Dear Reader,

Maybe sleeping at 2 am knowing you'll have to wake up by 7 am for classes is a bad idea

But that's what I exactly did just because I wanted to finish reading the book

Besides, my parents aren't there to scold me but I still have to fix that sleep schedule or else

I did take a nap, around 3 pm and woke up at 6 pm all because I turned off my 4 pm alarm to catch up some more sleep

No regrets though, and since I don't know how to start my other assignments, I just continued the second encanto story I've been making

Its titled 'Señorita Perfecta' where Elisa, my OC, is the younger twin sister of Isabela Madrigal

Right now, I'm at the 8th chapter and the first chapters focuses on their past

Along with Elisa is my other OC, Mateo Guzman, younger brother of Mariano Guzman

And then the infamous fanon twin of Camilo, Carlos Madrigal. I only made Mateo so Elisa could have a partner because what's the point of being perfect if Abuela Alma wouldn't have her paired up with someone like she did with Isabela

On the 8th Chapter, I'm making 'A Million Dreams' from The Greatest Showman the inspiration for it, so yes, I'll be including the song itself

The chapter will center on Elisa Madrigal and Mateo Guzman as she opens up to him about the pressure she's feeling

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:55 pm

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