ー🚢Day 220

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March 27, 2022
9:44 pm

Dear Reader,

My parents told me to sleep already few minutes ago and reasoned that I didn't take my afternoon nap

I mean, how can I? When there's this loud as fuck political caravan roaming near us

Is there really a need to rent big ass speakers, blasting the same recording on loop for, its so annoying

And my parents had the audacity to reason that I didn't take a nap? Blame the caravan for their loud ass speakers, not me

I was about to sleep when the caravan started going past our building, it wasn't my fault that they were blasting loud music that you can hear meters away

I kept on rolling my eyes, the thought of politics makes me annoyed amd disgusted, most of them are just a bunch of thieves

Well, that is the case for my country, I don't know about yours. Our politicians are thieves, making the politics a "family business" because they earn money from it and gets to steal the money that is supposed to be for our country's people

Enough of that, I need to sleep now because we'll be going back to the hospital again for the results of the ultrasound and for the follow-up check-up with the doctor/surgeon

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
9:52 pm

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