ー🚢Day 205

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March 12, 2022
10:13 pm

Dear Reader,

I just finished watching Sleeping Beauty prior to this entry and dang, how much I missed watching Disney Classics

And, this afternoon, Dad was offered to go back on board another cruise ship by April 14th

As much as I hate that, we need that opportunity since we are still balancing our financial situation

Good thing is that the cruise ship he'll be boarding would dock in the country by November, and by December, he'll be back home again

A good 8 months should be enough for our family to pay our remaining debts and have budget for our day-to-day needs

Which also means that this book, which I thought would end in March, will be continued on until he comes back home by December

So yes, it will have a possible 3rd book once we reach the 200-chapter limit once more

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:17 pm

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