ー🚢Day 201

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March 8, 2022
10:40 pm

Dear Reader,

You guys know what today is, its my dad's homecoming day! Nah, not really cause he's home now, yay!

His flight arrived at the airport by 4:27 pm but he arrived home at 9:40 am

My older bro and I went outside the apartment to meet with him and help him with his luggage because our house is on the 2nd floor

Our male cat got scared of him for the first few minutes while our female cat just sat there and walked around like he's been there all the time

Its funny how our two grown cats' personality got switched not going to lie

I also ate a cadbury bar, shared with my aunt, cousin and older bro. Dad bought it on the airport's duty free just before he got a ride home

There are different varieties of cadbury and the classic snickers so my sweet tooth will be so satisfied

I'll try not to eat much chocolate in one week though, I'll limit it to only twice or thrice a week because I don't want another episode of me getting sick and having tonsilitis

But the fact eating chocolate seems refreshing on a summer is chef's kiss but I gotta limit it as much as I hate to

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:51 pm

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