ー🚢Day 207

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March 14, 2022
10:07 pm

Dear Reader,

So I was thinking of restarting the numbering of the chapters once Dad goes back abroad by May 14th

Though, its such a shame that he won't be able to be there for both my brother and I's graduations

My older bro is on his 4th year of college while I'm on my 2nd year of senior high, both graduating class

There is a possibility that we'll have physical/face to face graduation according to the president of our university and I'm really hoping it does happen

The last time I've walked on stage for a moving up/graduation ceremony was when I graduated 6th grade/elementary

So I'm really, really, really hoping they go through with the physical graduation option

Back to the topic at hand, I'll be making a small border chapter to separate the entries now and the future entries for when he leaves again

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:12 pm

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