ー🚢Day 198

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March 5, 2022
10:31 pm

Dear Reader,

Okay, first things first, happy birthday to two of my best friends, Minx and Innu <— also one of my online daughters, enjoy the rest of your day and more birthdays to come!

Next thing is that my dad's flight back home was changed and now, he'll be arriving 4 hours earlier than when he was first given his flight details

Which means, he'll be landing in the airport at 4 pm on March 8 instead of 8:50 pm. Basically, what happened is that the connecting flight to Japan was taken off and the airlines was changed as well, I think?

And, we had a webinar this afternoon. The schedule said that its from 1 pm to 3 pm only so, of course, I thought I'd get to take a nap after

I was wrong, they extended it up to 4:17 pm and I was like "alright, no naps for me today again I guess" and the worst part?

We had to make a reflection paper including a selfie documentation like not everyone would be comfy with that

And the fact that we won't have credit for attending and making the reflection paper because the credit will go to the HUMMS and GAS strands like why even bother us if we won't have credit?

Our tourism teacher better give us credit, I didn't waste my time watching the webinar instead of catching up on my sleep to not have credit

Also, I am almost done with the encanto fic, just have to finish "all of you" and the rekindling of the encanto's magic then add a couple more chapters to reach 20 then its done!

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:39 pm

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