ー🎓Day 259

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May 5, 2022
9:32 pm

Dear Reader,

Okay, so since Tuesday was a holiday, our classes that was supposed to be held that day was moved to Thursday aka today

And apparently, many of classmates didn' remember that fact. It was common knowledge for us already unless stated by our subject teachers otherwise

So this is what happened during our first subject, only 8 students joined the link earning them a +3 points on the quiz

Sadly, I didn't get to be one of them since I had to go with my mom to the xray lab and as it turns out, the chest xray opens at 8 am. It was around 7 am btw

So if I didn't go there so early, courtesy of mom forcing me, I would've been one of the people who got +3 points

The science meeting ended quickly seeing as there's only 8 students out of 19 to which our teacher gave them the +3, said that she'll just discuss next week then dismissed them

Dismissed them just as I arrived back home, what a waste of plus points and time

So then, my aunt and I went back to the xray lab by 8 am since mom decided to start doing laundry instead so my aunt was the one who accompanied me

It was fairly quick, not going to lie. I half-expected it to take a rather long time but then, its just a small clinic/lab after all

The rest of the day went by uneventful so there's nothing more to it

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
9:38 pm

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