ー🎓Day 263

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May 9, 2022
10:11 pm

Dear Reader,

So today's our country's election day and since I'm already eligible to vote, I just had to take part on it

It was quick not going to lie, I half-expected it to take long all that stuff

This is my first time voting by the way, and for something so crucial for our country's future too

You see, this year is the presidential elections, meaning the 6 years of ruling for our previous president has come to an end and a new one has to step up to continue it

It was a rather fun experience being able to vote for something so big like this though my aunt and I, seeing as we were in the same precint, got lost looking for our building, fun times

Then after that, we went to the lab where I had gotten my xray from only to see it closed due to the elections, should've thought about that beforehand

Which also means that I have to miss my classes for half a day tomorrow to fulfill the requirements needed for my upcoming operation this Thursday

With that said, I also had to make a pre-recorded website presentation seeing as one of our written works is based on that

Its only a short one though, less than 3 minutes. I didn't want to dwell on it for longer since I'd just have my classmate present it to the class in behalf of me

I also managed to do a couple more written works, the simpler ones so I wouldn't have to fret over it though I already made and had sent mh excuse letter to all my teachers that will get affected by my absence

Having missed activities is not on my plate right now seeing as there's only about 3 weeks left before our school year ends

I can't afford to fail now and lose my chance of getting an over-all honor roll by graduation

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:20 pm

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