ー🚍Day 228

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April 4, 2022
10:08 pm

Dear Reader,

Mondays = School days, that's about it. I spent my morning on classes and the afternoon with another class and me time

Mom also video-called me to check up on us. Today is my grandma's birthday, she turned 80 today

By the time mom called, grandma and grandpa were already sleeping but grandma went out of her way and woke up when my aunt told her I was on call

I was able to greet her a 'happy birthday' and I was happy with it. I was supposed to go with them if it weren't for the assignments and tight budget but I'm happy that my parents was able to spend time together with our relatives without someone to look out for

It's their time to bond as couples and parents, away from us even for just a week. At least then, they would actually be able to spend time with just each other

I asked Mom if she had already taken a dip on the sea which by the way is walking distance from where the house is stood and directly behind the house is a river

However, she told me she hasn't yet and that it was cold there, like freezing cold because of frequent rains

Taking a dip in the sea is one of our usual to-do list when coming to visit my dad's home province, you can't just miss the opportunity

Along with that is using a boat to cross the river to another town where we go market shopping and walking along the mountains of sands surrounded by the river and sea

It is always a fun time being able to visit my dad's province. School always says that they're the students' second home but my second home is my dad's province as I grew up visiting there every year until 2018

So imagine going to visit there for 3-5 days every year for 14 years straight, and yes, though I wasn't born there, I was baptised in my dad's home province

2018 was the last time I visited as by the next year, 2019, things went off track and it was them that visited us here in Manila instead

And then 2020-2021 was the spike of the COVID-19 which didn't allow us to even plan a vacation there in fear of contracting the virus

And now, 2022, with, of course, online classes in the way as well as tight budget which didn't allow me to join my parents but then again, its their time to share and I wouldn't have it any other way

Besides, I have their shared bed all to myself so no arguments there. They have their couple time, I have my 'me' time

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:23 pm

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