ー🚍Day 240

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April 16, 2022
9:50 pm

Dear Reader,

Guess who got lazy to open her laptop again, yup, it's me, your wonderful author(ess)

I was planning on doing some of my assignments and download the flyers I made yesterday but laziness said 'nope, not today'

Partly because 2 of our 5 kittens slept beside me and they look so comfy beside me so I got comfy as well

Mostly because I just felt lazy to do so, can't blame me, I'm savouring the holy week vacation as much as possible as its ending tomorrow

Which also means that it's back to online classes on Monday, and I have a solo presentation to do for our last subject

Basically, we have to present a website that we made ourselves. I'll be using my carrd website for that, but the thing is I'd have to actually explain why it looks like that

The design, the colors, everything needs to have an explanation so I'm winging it on Monday and explain the best I can

Mostly because the principal might be joining the call and overlooking the meeting, much like how they do a room-to-room supervision during physical classes

And I am and will never be a fan of those things because our class can be so fake during that time

Reminds me of a certain event with our ex-accounting teacher back in 9th grade

We had a supervisor that day and our teacher recalled the lesson with us, catching us off guard because he actually went in-depth with the lesson

He usually could care less if we suffer from not understanding it. So we were like "wow, he's so good at faking and being plastic*"

*plastic in a way that literally translates to being fake just so he could give a good image for himself

And when the supervisor left, he went back to making us suffer and literally ignoring our questions and saying "do it yourself, don't ask questions to me"

Like, why be a teacher in the first place? If you won't be teaching us properly, you should've just quit

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:00 pm

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