ー🚢Day 214

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March 21, 2022
10:25 pm

Dear Reader,

Same old typical Mondays with online classes and new activities, its getting boring but hey, we're on our last quarter for this school year now

The month of May is coming by fast, it also signifies the end of our school year, reminding me that I'll be in college next year

I may or may not also have forgotten yesterday that today's a Monday which caused me to sleep at like 12:30 am and woke up by 5:30 am because my cat decided its a good time to be noisy and demand to be let out and roam around

He always does this but we still love him nonetheless, we just let him be now as long as he still goes home

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:29 pm

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