ー🚢Day 213

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March 20, 2022
10:19 pm

Dear Reader,

As expected, I was the one who folded the remaining laundry from yesterday

Even asked my brother to help me with it and he straight up said "you can do it yourself" and I'm like "just admit you are too lazy to help in the household chores" with a deadpan look before continuing to fold

Once everything was folded, I proceeded to sew a couple holes in the pillowcases shut as well as the hole in my hello kitty pillow

Sewing is a bit of my thing to do, especially when it comes to holes in pillowcases

I can't patch up clothes though, cause I'm afraid I'd ruin it rather than fix it so I stuck with pillowcases and smaller fixes instead

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:23 pm

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