ー🚍Day 252

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April 28, 2022
9:54 pm

Dear Reader,

I finally had the motivation to finish my script for the virtual tour which includes the intro and 2 destinations

It also means that I need to do the recordings tomorrow until the 30th as well as the editing since May 2 is the start of the uploading of the videos and May 4 will be the actual day of the event

I'm scared of the outcome not going to lie, since I don't really know much about editing videos and the fact its for our finals project

Not only me and my classmate, but it also determines the grades of our groupmates from the other strand, HE1

As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by mom who made me put all our cats outside our room to close the door

It might or might not determine their grade but I still want to do my best in making the video for our own sake

And the fact it gets uploaded on a social media where people can access and share it with more people, yeah no, I'd rather not risk it

Also, mom and dad are planning on buying me a study table with a built-in shelf so I'd have a proper workplace during online classes

They are worried about my back and posture altogether since I usually sit on my bed, with no backrest near, while using the laptop

Oh yeah, they are also planning on buying recliner chairs for both my brother and I

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:07 pm

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